Can't stop worrying!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I've mentioned this before, but have found myself obsessing about it and could do with some words of wisdom!!!

i've been told i've got a potentially weak cervix after 2 cervical biopsies in the last ten years. Last week the doc told me i may need a stitch, which terrifies me as it comes with a risk of m/c (which he really went on about....). Other option is to scan me every 2 weeks to see if my cervix is changing..

I had a scan on Thurs and my cervix was 3.7cm (so same as at my 11 week scan) which is good. Ive also rang up where i had the previous surgeries and found out boht proceedures where slightly less invasive than we've previously thought (i'd had a LLETZ and a NETZ, not what they call a cold knife biopsy which i think takes more of the tissues away...). So i'm thinking i'll just have the fortnightly cervical scans to monitor the changes (and may pay for a few private ones in the weeks in between to keep an extra close eye on it, adn it can change quickly when bubba gets bigger).

I'm meeting my doc again on Monday to discuss but i just can;t stop worrying about it all. I was awake for hours last night as i just dont know how i can go through the next ten weeks with this worry hanging over me (they monitor you til youre 24 weeks). I've started to be so happy about this pregnancy but now i just worry that this might be the thing that goes wrong, and i don't think i can cope with another m/c when my baby is all healthy...

Has anyone any advice or experience of this? Just driving myself mad a bit with it all. I hate not being in control!!

BUT on the plus side, got my doppler yesterday and found peanut's heartbeat straight away. SOunded like a little steam train engine in my tummy. Brilliant!!!

Hi, you know I am going through similar at the moment and I know you will keep worrying but everything looks really positive, your cervix is still long and it looks like there was less damage than you thought. There is really no need to get a stitch at the moment as I am sure you know they don't really work and come with high risks and your cervix looks good so don't worry about stitches.

I do understand, I will never relax in this pregnancy but you seem to be in good hands and I am sure as the weeks get ticked off you will start to relax more

take care


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