Can't stop worrying!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I got my BFP on Saturday (after getting through 3 packets of different tests to be sure..) and now i just cant stop worrying about every twinge or constantly groping my boobs to see if they're still feeling full!

I had a m/c in November and i i think it hit me harder than i thought it would. I'm now left constantly worrying that every little cramp (are you all getting them too? I feel like my AF is going to come on any minute now or that i have it already! always nipping to loo to check) is the beginning of the end. I feel nauseaus already, but as soon as i have a couple of hours when i feel fine, i start to worry again.

I'm sure this is normal after a loss, but i don't want to spend the next few weeks driving myself insane with my own whirring mind. Or constantly whipping my bra off for a boob check (though my hubbie likes that bit) It's sad, but i've convinced myself that pregnancy ends in miscarriage, not a baby.

Phew...end of off load.
I was the same up until recetly, its very normal, i had a chem pg last year and was so convinced this would be the same, im not out of the woods completely but im getting there, just take it a day at a time, dont do what i did and forgot to enjoy being b=pg, it ruined finding out for me:( :hug:
Hi Hun

I am the same too; I think it is perfectly normal to be worried.

Take care and try to relax a bit if you can :hug:
i was the same all the way through first tri this time and im still the same at the moment still, i don't think im going to stop worrying till ive had this baby.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i was the same all the way through first tri this time and im still the same at the moment still, i don't think im going to stop worrying till ive had this baby.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i was the same all the way through first tri this time and im still the same at the moment still, i don't think im going to stop worrying till ive had this baby.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I can totally understand where you are coming from about being worried. This last week my symptoms of feeling queasy and sore boobs seem to have vanished and this has worried me :?

I have my first scan tomorrow so I am praying that everything is ok I guess as others have said the worry may never stop but I suppose we have to try and relax a bit more and not get stressed

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