can't stop worrying about movement!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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My baby is usually very active with the odd quiet day, here and there. This is the second day of hardly any movement now. I only feel movement when I really concentrate. Usually it is strong and makes me jump. I've got my 28 week appointment tomorrow so I'm going to speak to the midwife. I have a doppler at home so I can always check hb which I'm obsessed with at the moment! My bump has also gone quite hard which makes me wonder if she's turned and is transverse with back against my stomach. Just wondering if anybody experienced similar at similar stage?? X
I'm not one to advise as I ignored this too, but I hardly felt movements since Monday and decided I would be wasting the hospitals time if I went in, Friday night I finally decided to go in, and they advised me of all the risks that could happen if I ignore this. I also have a doppler but still went in. The midwifes at the hospital told me that if you feel less movements then usual then you should phone them up. It used to be advised any less then 10movements you phone but all has changed. Sorry if this scared you a little, but thats what it took to get me to realise.
I'm sure LO is fine in there but best to get checked out. x
Thanks Zoe. Yeh, my midwife told me ten kicks in 12 hours. I may give the labour ward a ring now, what do you think? What should I say without sounding silly?? Or should I wait til my appt tomorrow at 4pm? X
I've had this a lot this last week. It's had me quite worried tbh at times. I can feel baby moving but it's much less powerful than normal. I'm sure it's ok and just baby in a different spot or growing etc
Rang the midwife - they want me to go in now and go on the monitor. Shaking like a leaf. God I hope my baby's ok :-(
It's upto you, have you felt some or just weaker then normal. You could always get your doppler have a listen and then ask your midwife what is best or phone up the hospital. I ended up staying in on Friday night but think that was as I had headaches also and some protein in my Urine. Could just be that baby has moved position or growing (as they slow down movements when growing.) My movements were less then 10 all day from Monday and finally went in on Friday and I was ok, but always best to be safe then sorry. I was also told try a ice cold drink and rest to see if baby moves, which worked for me on Friday in hospital. x
Danielle you'll be fine :)
Don't worry to much, you'll be in the best place, update us all when you know more. I'm sure all will be fine and baby is just being lazy.x
Hope everythings ok Danielle. Keep us updated :)

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mine goes quiet every other week for a few days. shes not the bigest kicker to start with, its more unusual to have lots of movement. now that she head down and has pretty much ran out of space her movements are harder to feel with my anterior placenta too. if im worried i have a cold drink, some chocolate and lie on my left side. that usually gets me some kind of reaction.

earlier she had her foot in my ribs for ages and when i was pushing on the spot to take off the pressure she kicked my hand for my trouble lol
I had this about 2 / 3 weeks ago she went really quiet all of a sudden still had 10 a day but still loads less than normal I went in and everything was fine, its good you've gone to get checked even if its just to put your mind at rest. Xx
Just on way home from labour ward. I was put on the monitor and what does she do - kick, kick,kick!!! What a monkey! Heart rate was 140bpm and plenty of kicks In 20mins on monitor. They have given me some straps to keep incase I need to go in again. I've also been given a kick chart and have to log the time by which I've felt 10kicks. If it gets to 6pm and I've not felt 10kicks, I have to go in to be monitored again. Phew!!!! They were lovely and said I'd done exactly the right thing. Big thanks to Zoe, you gave me that extra push to ring up! Now, I can sleep easy x
Never rely purely on Doppler. Midwife told me that although we hear hb, we don't actually know what we are looking for. It's all about the baby's hb pattern. If you are ever worried about movements, it's always best to get checked. Glad all is ok. My bubs has been the same. Was quiet for 3 days at around 31 weeks. Got monitored and LO would not sit still! Lol.xx
Glad you are reassured. Hope your visit has put your mind at rest.

I am going to mention to the midwife today I think. Though I'm sure in my case all is well because baby has been active overnight.
Glad u gave you that extra push, told you all would be fine :)
Its always best to double check, and like already said you can never rely purely on the doppler.

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