can't sleep!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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:shock: I can't believe I am up at this time of night...I love my sleep and never struggle getting to sleep!!

I don't know what is wrong with me-my ribs are killing and I have pains up the front of my chest!! :( It's enough to keep me awake anyway!
I wouldn't mind so much if it was contractions but I have a feeling that this is the opposite..I think baby is so high she is causing my ribs to strain-but it's so much worse than usual!! On top of that I've just being sick, :puke: which is weird for me cos although I've felt bits of sickness through this pregnancy I've not being sick once!!

Well...I hope this goes soon so I can get some :sleep: :sleep:
aww sorry your up with pain too :hug: :hug:

im up to with back pain and baby baring down perios type pains

tens machine is helping ot back pain but the lady bits are killing me :x

hope we both can gets some relife and sleep soon :pray: :pray:
sarah :hug: :hug:
I can't sleep either! :x

dropped off for an hour at half 12 and have been led in bed trying to get back to sleep ever since.
I feel really achey down below and had some period type pains. Bit of headache too :(
i just generally don't feel 'normal'

going to havce a cup of tea and some paracetamol then try going back to sleep i think.

Going out for the day today with my Mum and dad and brother and his girlfriend so don't really want to be tired and cranky :lol:

I think all theses babies are goint to come at once!!!!
I hope you both manages to get some sleep in the end!

I fell asleep on the sofa at about 4am, woke up at 6am and went to join Dh in bed-I then managed to sleep in until about 8.30.

I'm up and about now and feeling a bit better so I don't know why I felt so rough. xxxxx
aww sarah :hug:

how you feeling now? keep an eye on that sickness incase it turns into a bug or something :hug:
Glad you got some sleep in the end :) i did to the tens is a magic machine :lol:

hope the sickness has gone love how do you feel now? :hug:

sarah :wave:
Awww-thank you girls.
Well I went back to bed again so surely I must've caught up on some sleep now!
Still feel a bit when you know you're not 100% so I'm just gonna take it easy (like I ever do anything but take it easy at the moment!!! :rotfl: )

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