Can't sleep


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Is it just me that can't get any sleep on a night or are others like this too?

I nod off on the sofa at night for a couple of hours, wake up go to bed then only manage another couple of hours and i'm awake. Usually it is because I need a wee or I am hungry or I have had a nightmare/weird dream.

It is driving me mad last night I slept from 830 til 10pm went to bed then was awake at 12 (and thought I had been asleep hours) so I got up didn't go back to sleep til 3/4 am and then I am awake again at 8 this morning.

Mind you I only woke at 12 because I had horrible dream about ex MIL :evil:
Ohhh yeah, sleeping is a huge problem for me, too. I wake up because I'm thirsty, nightmares, gotta pee, or simply because I'm uncomfortable. It's NERVE RACKING!!! And apparently it doesn't get better either. :lol:
Morning :)

I get sleepless nights too, but I have managed to get over it by being very strict with my bed times and napping through the day. I get up at the same time every day and try to get to bed at the same time everyday. I don't nap through the day unless I really have to, then I set the alarm and make sure it is no longer than half an hour. I get really really tired, but then I go to bed and sleep through for 8/9 hours.

Having said this....yesterday I gave into temptation...I went back to bed at 10.30am and got up at 12.30pm. This was a big mistake. I was up at 2.15 this morning and didn't get back to sleep until 4am.
It proves to me that regular sleeping patterns are the way if you having problems staying asleep at night.

I hope that helps :D

p.s. like OingoZoingo said...even on my full nights sleep, I now have to get up in the middle to use the loo or get a drink but I usually drop off again.
I haven't been napping during the day. I don't think it is helping that I am full of cold too and have been roasting in bed.

I just find it really frustrating not getting a full nights sleep. And its making me grumpy!!!
i've just started getting this. I was up for an hour at 2.45 am last night (nobody was on here, where were you all! Lol) ...having said that though, i had gone to bed at 8.30pm lol....and then went back to sleep until just i got plenty of sleep really :)
Emma58 said:
I haven't been napping during the day. I don't think it is helping that I am full of cold too and have been roasting in bed.

I just find it really frustrating not getting a full nights sleep. And its making me grumpy!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been having trouble getting to sleep, and waking up frequently, totally unlike me!
Last night I woke up every couple of hours, have been trying to go to bed earlier to compensate
I've been so tired all day all I've wanted to do is :sleep:

I've resisted the urge to nap though. I just hope I can get to sleep easily tonight I'm already stressing about it!
Im ok getting off to sleep initially because im so tired but if anything wakes me in the night i cant get back to sleep, when my OH gets up to go to work at 5am, it takes me ages to get back to sleep, i dont have to be up til 8 either usually!
i am having huge issues with sleep because the more tired i am the worse my nausea, i have had 1 good nights sleep in x2 weeks, i think some of it is because I don't have a routine what with being off work. I will try and be more strict and not nap through the day, it is the peeing that is waking me up and the nausea and hunger.
I hope it gets better, i have to be up at 5.30am!

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