can't pretend to be happy any more!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2010
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Sorry know this prob not the best place but I need to put this into words, I don't know how to feel any more, my oh sister is about to be induced 8 weeks early due to complications and all I feel is jealousy, and am beginning to keep real depressed cause oh is so over excited about his nephew. But it should have been our little one he was excited about, how can he be over our loss so quickly? When I am still devastated? He doesn't seem to care that he ie hurting me every time he goes on about the baby.
I don't know what to do any more.
Hi hun. I'm so sorry you're still feeling this way. It's understandable that you would be feeling depressed over your oh's sister; I know that I feel the same way everytime somebody announces a pregnancy or gives birth.

Have you ever thought about having CBD counselling? I had this a few years ago and it really pulled me out of a dark time; I'm on the list to be referred again now. Something to think about hun :hugs:
Hey hun I'm really sorry you're still feeling this way. It may not be that your OH has got over your loss. He is excited for his sister. My sister gave birth to a wee boy 6 weeks ago and I love my wee nephew to bits and can't to see him every time I do. I hate the fact that they live further away that I'd like. However I'm still hurting over losing our little one. I get tired of putting on a brave face all the time and hate seeing other pregnant girls round me and all the new born babies. The only one I can be truly happy about is my nephew. Mayb this is how your OH is feeling too. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Big :hug: to you sweetheart xx

I think what you are feeling is only natural but why not do as Dita suggested and get the doctor to refer you to a counsellor to help you through this.

I'm always sure that the male species thinks/acts/behaves in ways we can't ever possibly hope to understand!!! Perhaps his excitement over this bubba helps the hurt he feels over your loss?

My boss was today full excitement as it's her LO first birthday tomorrow and yes daft as it may seem I felt extremely jealous that I don't have a LO to celebrate with......................YET!!!

So go on take that first step and see what the doctor says hun xxx
so sorry hun, my oh coped totally differently to me and first few weeks i was angry thast he didnt show he as upset or talk about it, but then i never saw him cry when hes dad died either, and thats because he deals with things in private, so perhaps ur other half is the same. im hoping it gets easier for you and you get ur bfp soon xx
I'm so sorry for your pain, I can recommend councilling though it helped me back from a very dark place recently after a breakdown, if you ever want to offload pm me x
You are bound to feel like this hun, I miscarried in December and would have been due in July and the closer it gets to my due date and my cousins due date who only conceived around a week before me, the harder it gets because I know it should have been our babies due not hers!

You do get off days sweetie honestly x
I'm so sorry you so down Hun. It hurts like hell but I promise it gets better.

I know each person is different but my friend got pregnant the same time as I did - I miscarried and she went on to have a lovely baby boy - at first I was green with envy and so so bitter ( for reasons I won't go into ) - everytime i seen her baby or her status updates on facebook it always always made me think of my baby but eventually I got over it ( taken me a year! ) but now i don't see her status updates and think of my loss when she talks about her little one.

Don't get me wrong, on the odd occasion I always think back about it - but in a new light. A more promising one.

I hope you can find a way of making peace and as much as it hurts , it can go away.


I think a group hug is in order, I'm sending out healing vibes to all you Girlies who are hurting xxx

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