Cant fit it all in!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Ethan started on solids just over 3 weeks ago now and its been going well. We introduced a 'meal' a week starting with breakfast, then lunch and since the weekend dinner. Breakfast and lunch were going well but I am struggling to fit in dinner! Ethan is combi fed having bf at night and first feed of day them bottles of formula (usually has 1 bf and 3 bottles in daytime)He gets up around 5-6am and goes to bed at 6-6.30as well as needing 3 daytime naps......I am struggling to get any sort of dinner in him coz of time! Can't do dinnner any later than 4.30-5 coz he gets tired and need to start bedtime routine! But I am still trying to do an afternoon bottle and have to do that coz he's hungry between lunch and dinner but it all seems to close together! Anyone else had similar issues? Any tips on what to try? We r doin a combination of blw and tw. Thanks xx
oh everything goes out the window when you start weaning doesn't it. I was the same at the start, in a panic to fit in bottles & naps & if he missed the naps he was grumpy & if he missed the feeds he was too. When Kayden started 3 meals he naturally fell into a routine of breakfast & bottle first thing, lunch then bottle & dinner then bottle & a bottle at bedtime & from what i've read thats the way it normally goes. My 1st LO went on like that for ages about a year or something (i cant remember)

oh everything goes out the window when you start weaning doesn't it. I was the same at the start, in a panic to fit in bottles & naps & if he missed the naps he was grumpy & if he missed the feeds he was too. When Kayden started 3 meals he naturally fell into a routine of breakfast & bottle first thing, lunch then bottle & dinner then bottle & a bottle at bedtime & from what i've read thats the way it normally goes. My 1st LO went on like that for ages about a year or something (i cant remember)


Perhaps I need to drop a bottle feed coz dinner and bedtime so close together? Just worried he won't b getting enough fluid or food!
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Maybe try reducing his afternoon bottle so he'll be hungry again around his dinner time, that's if he let's you get away with giving him less if course
Hmmm if your feeding him yourself at bed them maybe drop the bottle feed before hand and give food then xxx

How many oz a day does he have excluding your nursing him?? Xxx

He was having 8oz at the 3day bottles but since starting solids its more like 6or 7oz, depending on how much solids he's taken on board!.....Maybe I should reduce the afternoon bottle a little and c how dinner goes then? X
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What times are feeds sorry for asking I'm trying to think of a way with out cutting his milk as he needs 20oz or more still at this age xx

It's ok......before solids it was roughly every 3-3.5 hours (times vary a bit coz he doesn't always wake at the same time). He generally will have one bf in the night now, then a bf around 7am, nap, breakfast, bottle 11ish, nap then lunch, then bottle around 3 and that's when I struggle coz he usually needs another nap, bottle, dinner and another bottle by bed time which is 6-6.30! Hope I'm making sense x
Yeah you are I would do breakfast with you bf!! Then dinner and a bottle then tea and a bottle etc when Thomas was a baby I did breakfast and bottle at 8 dinner and bottle at 12 tea and bottle at 4 and bed time bottle at 7 does he wake in the night did you say for a feed???

Yes he does, usually just once anytime between 2and 4 usually x
So basically give him the milk straight after his solids and hope that he doesn't get hungry in between? .....I think half out trouble is he won't b consistent with what he does nap wise- I know he wants 3 and I know they r almost always a minimum of 45 mins, but sometimes they r longer and sometimes, even tho he's tired I just can't get him to go off! So it makes it hard to get into a routine coz if he changes the sleep then timings go off for everything else! I guess if I have a routine in my head that we're aiming for then I will have to adjust accordingly to what he does each day! Don't get me wrong, I dont expect him to run to my schedule or time, I very much follow his lead, but with the milk, naps, feeds and playtime to fit in I do need some kind if organisation!!! X
Have you tried putting him down in the afternoon in his cot for a few hours in the afternoon???? I know if I'm home after dinner James will sleep for a good 2/3 hours and Thomas did too, also I think if he had milk after foods he might last 4 hours or give him a snack inbetween like some fruit or something xx

That's so strange Ethans waking and bedtime sounds exactly the same as Angel!! I usually have problems with her around 4-5pm because she get so irritable! She's not like in a rigid routine with anything but a 'typical' day is something like this

Bottle between 5am/6am
Up at 7am, breakfast at 7.30am
Bottle at 9 then nap (could be anything from 30 mins to 90 mins)
Lunch at 12pm
Bottle at 2pm nap afterwards
Tea at 4.30pm-5pm
Bath bottle bed starts usually around 5.45-6pm

This isn't how it goes everyday, it's usually out by an hour or so sometimes. In between the naps and bottles we play or go for a walk. But sometimes when she gets really grumpy we end bathing her at 5.30 and she's in bed by 6.15 and I kinda wanted to push her back and get herself by 7pm. When I get home I plan on giving her tea at 5pm and taking her and the dog for a walk just after and then bath her when I get home, FX it'll work haha xx
Have you tried putting him down in the afternoon in his cot for a few hours in the afternoon???? I know if I'm home after dinner James will sleep for a good 2/3 hours and Thomas did too, also I think if he had milk after foods he might last 4 hours or give him a snack inbetween like some fruit or something xx


Thanks for suggestions hun- think i will try milk straight after meals and like u say offer a snack inbetween if needed! Can only give a go and c how we get on! I always try and get him to nap in the afternoon but recently he just won't! Today i finally got him to go off about 4.45 and that was going out in pram! He has been v difficult in the afternoon for a few days and taking a long time to get to sleep for morning and lunch time naps- think maybe his teeth r bothering him so thats not helping anything!
That's so strange Ethans waking and bedtime sounds exactly the same as Angel!! I usually have problems with her around 4-5pm because she get so irritable! She's not like in a rigid routine with anything but a 'typical' day is something like this

Bottle between 5am/6am
Up at 7am, breakfast at 7.30am
Bottle at 9 then nap (could be anything from 30 mins to 90 mins)
Lunch at 12pm
Bottle at 2pm nap afterwards
Tea at 4.30pm-5pm
Bath bottle bed starts usually around 5.45-6pm

This isn't how it goes everyday, it's usually out by an hour or so sometimes. In between the naps and bottles we play or go for a walk. But sometimes when she gets really grumpy we end bathing her at 5.30 and she's in bed by 6.15 and I kinda wanted to push her back and get herself by 7pm. When I get home I plan on giving her tea at 5pm and taking her and the dog for a walk just after and then bath her when I get home, FX it'll work haha xx

Does sound v similar except Ethan needs a third nap and thats where I struggle! Gonna give bottles after meals and try and go out in pram for afternoon nap for a few days and c how we go!.....Is Angel still taking 4 full milk feeds despitw solids? X
She is taking the full 8oz most days. Usually it's the last bottle she'll only take 5 or 6oz. I'm thinking of maybe decreasing and doing 6oz per bottle and offer more food? I'm not sure though. I know at this stage they still need to be on at least 20oz of milk so at the moment with her taking 32oz thats more than enough. She doesn't eat a lot for her breakfast or her tea in the evening and my OH thinks she's too full with milk. xx
Yeh, its hard to get the right balance! Coz I do 2 bf and 3 bottles in 24 hours I don't know exactly how much he gets but would say def more than 20oz!.... Might b worth trying reducing it an oz or 2 like u say and c what she does with food? .....This is y the bottles after meals appeals to me coz then he should only 'top up' on milk and not take a full feed unless he has room after solids!

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