Cant Find My Baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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Im 6 Weeks & 2 Days Pregnant, On The 6th Week A Gush Of Blood Came Out & I Was Terrified, There Was No Painful Cramps With The Bleeding & Withing Half An Hour The Bleeding Stopped.. Went To Hospital And All Tests Seem To Be Fine.. No Infections But My Cervix Was Open. Had A Scan Yesterday & They Said The Pregnancy Sac Is There.. With No Baby But The Sac Is Measuring At 5weeks+.. I Had Ultrasound & Vaginal Scan And Still No Baby Found :wall2: They Said It Could Be To Early To See Baby Or I Could Be Miscarrying Again.. But They Also Found Abit Of Blood On The Scan.. I Checked My Cervix Today And Its Closed & Ive Definatly Not Lost Anything..Got To Have Blood Tests Tomorrow To See Whether My Hormone Levels Are Still Raising Up & Then Wait For A Scan.. So Confused & Cant Wait Any Longer! Anybody Else Experiencing This? :roll:

MC- Angel Baby @ 9 Weeks 3 Days 25/11/2009 :angel2:
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I went through the same hunny, i had a scan at 6weeks and they only found a yolk sac, i was so worried after i had a mmc back in Oct, but i went back a week later and they found baby and a hb but i had bleeding on that scan too, sonographer wasnt to bothered but midwife has ask me to come back in for a rescan at 10weeks.
Goodluck with your bloods hunny, my fingers and toes are crossed that it was just too early to see your little bean x x

i havent experienced this meself but know few people that this has happened to and basically was 2 early to see the baby hope everything goes well for u x
i had a scan at 5 weeks and they couldnt see anything i was just measuring 5 weeks then i went back 2 weeks later (7) and was fine so best of luck to u.:)
Had My Bloods Done & Recieved Some Very Positive News!!
The Day I Was Bleeding My Hormone Levels Were 3697 Today They Re-Did My Bloods & Theyve Doubled To 6364!!! :dance: Fingers Crossed Everything Okay.. Just Waiting On A Scan To See My Little Miracle!! Thank You For Support Will Update When I Know More :D
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did u just get them done today?

Thats fab news congrats x
Yeah :) They Said To Wait 48 Hours After My Last Test To Check Them Again.. In My Last Pregnancy My HCG Didnt Rise This High.. Ive Had No More Bleeding, No Cramps & Still Feel Pregnant So Fingers Crossed :)
Thank You :) Ive Got My Next Scan On Monday To Try & Find Babys Heartbeat.. I Just Hope It Gets Found This Time.. Ive Been Having Stretching Pains In My Belly Aswell So Hopefully Lil Ones Growing! Will Update When I Have More News :)
Thats sounds very positive. I really hope they find a strong little beanie in there when you have your next scan. Good luck x
fingers crossed for u hunni sounds positive xxxx
Hi Guys!! Been Having Doubts.. Ive Been Reading About "Blighted Ovum" Im Scared Its That :( But Im Not Sure Whether My Hormones Would Be Rising With It ?
I had a blighted ovum Hun and my hcg Rose but didn't double and that's usually the first indication. I doubt it would double with a blighted ovum. It's sounds like a viable pregnancy to me!
Just A Quick Update.. Went To The Toilet Last Night & Had Brown Discharge.. Im Not Too Worried Cause The Woman Who Scanned Me Said There Was Blood On The Scan.. Not Having Any Cramps Or Pain.. Its Not Filling Up Pads.. Its Only There When I Wipe..Thinking Of Going To A&E To Check My Hormone Levels.. Just Waiting For The Scan On Monday Now
Sorry your having to go through this sweetie, massive :hugs: x x


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