Thats terrible!
I remember when I was admitted to hospital with gallstones when Jack was 3 weeks old, the Doc who treated me in A&E before I was admitted went on and on and on about why I wasn't breast feeding and how I could still switch to breast feeding etc .... I had gall stones, pancreatitus and a swollen liver (they weren't sure how I handn't collapsed) and he was bothering me about BFing?! It was Jack who couldn't latch on after he was born and then slept 12hrs solid without feeding at all and then his blood sugars dropped causing me to panic and demand a bottle of formula! People including health professionals really should keep their opinions to themselves because they never know the back story of why us Mum's don't do certain things.
It turned out for the best in the end that we FF because I was admitted a further 2 times before having surgery and each time Jack would've had to be admitted with me if I was BFing which I would've hated more than leaving him with Daddy & Nanny!
Next time i'm determined to BF
