Anybody feed ther babies Infasoy?

Totally agree with you! I feel very let down! When the paediatrician gave her the meds for reflux, they said they would review her in 6 weeks time to see if they need to up the dosage or if it was even reflux in the first place. When I asked could she not be seen sooner as 6 weeks is a long time to have to wait and persevere. He said no and walked away!

I can't believe your doc and HV have told you two different things aswell! So what did you do in the end? Did you feed him less more often?

Well so far she has been on the Soy milk for 4 days and she has been fantastic! Her poop yesterday was quite hard and pebbly but I expected that and have just been giving her water every now and again. I now have a giggly baby girl who is happy to babble and interact with people and her toys. She hasn't cried hysterically like she used too and has started napping during the daytime. So yeah, I would now quite happily say that she may be lactose intolerant.

If you "google" Lactose Intolerance in babies it actually says on alot of websites that it is very very rare for babies to be lactose intolerant and that many mothers just "think" their babies are. My cousin was also lactose intolerant! Is the research correct?? Who knows! x

Tegan is also lactose intolerant and her peaditrician said its allot more common than research suggests! Glad the milk is helping xx

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Hope you don't mind me asking but what where Tegans symptoms? Did you change him to soya milk yourself or was it suggested by your docs etc?

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Hope you don't mind me asking but what where Tegans symptoms? Did you change him to soya milk yourself or was it suggested by your docs etc?


She was constantly screaming, didn't sleep until she was completely exhausted, was sick lots and didn't gain weight well.

doctors all said it was colic and reflux eventually at 4.5 months she was refered to a peaditrician who immediately said lactose intolerance. I was still breastfeeding so was told to cut out all dairy and she was also prescribed sma lactofree. After just 1 day she was like a different baby! After 2 weeks I stopped bfing and switched completely to the formula.

Any more questions just ask hun xx

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
Hi Hun, Jacob had a few of the symptoms you mention Harlow having, and I got fed up of the docs going round in circles with us. In the end I asked a Locum doctor to write a referral to the hospital and I got an appointment through to see a paediatric allergist, she listened to what I said he does and how he reacts when given certain food groups and did tests on Jacob just to confirm what I said and if turns out he has quite a severe cows milk protein allergy, he comes out in a rash even if somebody touches him that has just eaten/drank something with cows milk in, it's mad. He's on Nutramigen ATM, and I use soya in his food, and I also had to cut all dairy as he's still breastfed. We're also seeing a paediatric dietician and dermatologist as his eczema is quite bad too. You should push the doctor to refer you, don't back down, my doctor was a first class pig and it took multiple appointments to get my referral. I hope you get her sorted soon for both of your sakes.xx

Sent from my sexy iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
Hi hun, my lo has cows milk protein allergy and he is on Aptamil pepti, I believe soya milk isnt the first choice as nutritionally its further away. Will they give you a prescription?

I guess I was luky with my GP and after trying reflux medicines he prescribed special formula
Knopk is the aptamil pepti prescribed??

What is the difference between lactose intollerance & cows milk allergy is it the same thing? Im confused by it all will need to look it up

It is different, apparently true lactose intolerance is very rare.

You can get lactofree formula and dairy as well but if its cows milk protein, you are stuffed if you breastfeed. I still mix feed so have to keep away from dairy although its very hard, milk is in everything!

Crying from reflux went away after i changed the formula, it made a great difference so it was clear it was the problem
Aptamil Pepti (or Nutrigen is another one) are prescription formulas, I dont think you can get them off the shelf.
Worth chatting to your GP maybe? My GP has a child so he is pretty clued up, I think thats the difference

sent from my Galaxy s2
Thats really interesting about the alergies

When my LO's reflux was really bad we kinda researched different formulas, we looked at pepti but it was only available online & it wasn't cheap. We got put on Enfamil AR on prescription a few days later, but its only a trial, it needs to get signed off by a paediatrician & i'm due to wait 2 months just for an appointment so may not get any more of this formula. It such hit & miss when it comes to reflux

Reflux is a funny one as it can be a symptom of somethinv else and you have to work it out by trial and error. Hope you get a prescription, it certainly saves money!

Why dont babies just come with a manual?

sent from my Galaxy s2
Reflux has been horrible to live with & struggling each day to keep it away is exhausting! This is a whole new experience for me, looking back..I had it easy with my first & was a bit nieve (sp) to think 2nd would be same health wise.

Forgot to say as well...I read that with cows milk allergies & the makes the body go thro reflux symptoms, the stomach tries to get rid of it, so if you treat the reflux your not actually treating the cause if that makes sense

Thanks for all the advice ladies. I will pester my doctor to refer me. I am going to see them tomorrow for her 6 week check and her jabs too! I am not expecting anything from them though! Its taken them 3 weeks to see her for a 6 week check!


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