Cant be arsed with ttc any more!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Omg since i got mt monitor allits done is say i f tile, how the hell an i be fertil nearly all way through my cycle?? wtf? I know its not because impg, we were bd everyother day for bout 2 weeks but now imbored, the things a piece of crap and i just cant be arsed anymore coz i believe it will never happen so why the hell should i even try anymore.When af arrives im going straight to the docs to see if theres anything up with my bits and if there is well ill just leave it. I wouldnt mind but my monitor hasnt even said ive had a peak for ovulation so looks like im not ovulating grrrrrrrrrrrr i hate this soo sooo soooooo much now :wall:
:hug: hun :hug: i think we all have times like this when ttc :hug:
The other ladies have said what I was going to say so I will give you more :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel just like you hun, I'm fed up of worrying about it. So this month I've not even thought about it that much. And we've only made love (not BD'd) about 3/4 times all month. I don't even know what CD I'm on. And I have to say I feel so much more relaxed and less tense about eveything. In my mind now I'm not even bothered if this months the month or not. I was sick of putting my life on hold, checking what type of CM I had, whether each and evey ache and pain was because I was PG LOL.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Here Here I'm with you girls I cannot be arsed either thinking oh whats that twinge is the a pain in my boob just SICK of it all!!!!!!
I dont know how those monitors work but some of the ov strips I have used before said on the pack that sometimes people get constant positives because they have raised levels of lutineizing (sp) hormone, which is what the test picks up. Think it can point to pcos and other sort of hormonal imbalances - not that I am saying you have got that of course! Just a possible explanation? Hope a trip to docs can shed some light for you.

Well last time i went to docs i had a few cysts on my overies so manybe thats what it is, not been thinking really much bout ttc for 3 months now and even that isnt working, i just want to give it all up and for the pain to go away, i know i have hope and i am so grateful that shes in my life i love her more than anything in this world but it doesnt make the longing for another any better, infact it kinda frustrates me as i got pg on the pill with her and now its nearly a year with nothing, what the hell is up with that, why isnt it simple. Why wont my body be normal and be able to do the natural thing, its such a let down i tell you and sometimes i wish i had a different body because mine feels broken. My gosh im rambbling, just never thought id get close to a year without catching, there was my cm/p but nothing since then, just wana go curl up in a corner and give up yet my brain wont let me :cry: Sorry for moaning
thats ok, tbh when i got over a year ttc , i went to the doctor, and started to bllod tests done at certain points in cycle, the tests i did came back fine, and while waiting for a few more a fell.
Ive had enough as well... to be honest im completely pissed off with it. Its costing too much money on crap that doesnt work and I can't be arsed anymore. Im just going to settle for the daughter ive got and stuff it... plus if I buy anymore stuff I will be lucky to be able to support the cat financially let alone myself since I seem to be the one spending £100's of pounds on equipment. I thought this was a two way street financially and emotionally but obviously I was wrong!!! Good luck to the rest of you though and I hope you all get your BFP's. x
awww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: I think going to the doctor would be a good idea to see about those cysts. You'll have another baby, it's still early days.
Thanks for all your supportive fords, they mean so much to me.Normally it doesnt bother me but just certain days it just all gets to me, thanks for being great friends :hug:
As much as i cannot be arsed, I still cant stop thinking about it. Wonder if its happened, when in my cycle am i roughly, maybe its this month. So hard just to COMPLETLEY forget about it!!!!! arghhhhh

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