Can you request to be induced?


New Member
May 21, 2013
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Hi all

I am new to the forum, and I have a question I wonder if you can help with, or just give some advice

basically I am 36+3, I have pre-eclampsia, I also had it with my DS but it is a little less severe this time. My DS was induced and born at 37+5.

I saw my consultant last Thursday and she wants me to be seen for BP, urine and CTG checks everyday and bloods every other day. Things are going up and down all the time nothing is really consistent, I realise my pre-e could be a lot worse, but I generally feel really rubbish all the time, headaches, visual disturbances etc. I have been told take paracetomol for headaches which I have been and even told that sometimes when looking outside you can get dots in front of your eyes etc, whilst I realise this I am not just going doolally I just generally don't feel myself.

My consultant put in my notes IOL between 36-37 weeks and obviously they will want to wait as long as poss, and hopefully reach 37 weeks which I will be on Saturday. Additionally, I have had steroid injections 2 weeks ago in case baby did have to come early.

The doctors said if things got worse they would maybe have to make the decision to induce earlier, but what I really want to know is after 37 weeks (as I will be term) can I request that I want to be induced. Please don't think I am just picking the easy option it's just that I don't see how waiting for me to get 'worse' can be safe as technically this could be dangerous, the fact that you have high blood pressure and protein in your urine etc indicates your body isn't working properly so where is the cut off point for this! I ended up on blood pressure tablets for 6 months after my DS and was told by GP the longer your blood pressure is high the longer it will take to get back to normal.

I also have gestational diabetes and although my sugars are controlled, the very fact I have GD and Pre-E indicates my body is not functioning properly.

Any advice greatly appreciated, feel like I am hitting my head against a brick wall when talking to the doctors at my daily monitoring as I see someone different each time and they all tend to contradict each other!

When do you see your consultant next hun, can u be adamant then xx
I am seeing my consultant Thursday. I just want more of a clear plan. I don't think waiting until 40 weeks is going to work for me, equally I am happy if they decide 37 isn't the best either, I don't expect to be admitted on Saturday and delivered but I think somewhere in the middle needs to be considered.

Hope I can get some answers.

I just wasn't sure if you can request this, I want to say along the lines of. I don't feel well, I don't feel I am getting any better and everything indicates that way so now that I am term and it's 'safer' can I be induced.

I would say speak to your consultant. I suspect they dont want to.induce earlier than necessary because in duction can fail if your body isnt ready..Its a fine.line.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
yes i agree, you need to speak to your consultant, you can request anything, but it is their final answer that goes xx
I was recently induced at 38 weeks due to health problems and my induction totally failed, I ended up with an emergency section and a lot of things going wrong. That being said, you could be completely different and an earlier induction might work perfectly fine for you. Once you hit 37 weeks babies lungs are classed as developed and things should be fine x

Pre ecclamsia is awful and its probably a balancing act for them to weigh up the benefits to you and to baby. All I can say is discuss things with your consultant on Thursday but be aware that induction doesn't always result in natural labour and increases the chances of cesarean quite a bit x that being said pre E can get very serious very quickly so tell them you would like a plan x good luck! Xxx
Thank you all for your replies.

I was induced at 37 weeks due to Pre-E with my son and it was a natural labour so hopefully it would be successful if this were the case, but as you can never predict how things goes I guess I will just have to wait and see.

I don't necessarily want her to say yes to inducing me at 37 weeks on Saturday, just that if I don't continue to feel well, other things get worse then to induce 38/39 weeks


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