due to be induced


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Mar 24, 2007
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Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:55 pm Post subject: due to be induced next sat


Hi, im booked in to be induced next sat and i will be 39+4 days. I have been in latent labour from last sat and am 2 and a half cm dilated, and babys head is now down. Im being induced as I have pre eclampsia and they do not want to let me go overmy due date and they wanted to do it sooner but have no beds. A midwife comes out to my home daily now to check bp etc and if it stays below 130/95 then i can stay at home and come in on sat for induction, however if it goes up again, or protien in urine goes up again then I have to go straight in for a section, which I dont want. I have been in and out of hospital all week and as bp is now steady and blood tests have show that pre eclampsia isint affecting the baby, im no longer an emergency and sat is the 1st avaible date for induction. also I was told the extra week would make my cervix more favourable etc. Im getting scared now, can someone tell me what my induction will entail? My midwife said mine shouldnt be too bad as im already over 2cm. I would like to go naturally however ob said that because of my pre eclampsia its better to do it in a controlled way. Has any one ever had any experience of this. Any advice appreciated thanks.
Hi and welcome to the forum!

I was induced with my youngest, and it was a case of them breaking my waters for me, it didnt hurt and was just a little uncomfortable. They used an instrument that looked like a knitting needle!

I think there are other methods and it depends on each case, but this is the most common I think?

Somebody else may be able to give you some better info.

Goodluck for saturday! :hug:
Hi ya.

I was 8 days late and was induced due to high blood pressure. I was 2cm dilated and I had a pessary inserted into my cervix.When I was checked again I was 3cm and had my waters broken. both things were uncomfortable but not too bad. If you are induced they will monitor you as the blood pressure aill affect your pulse rate which is also something they have to watch out for. You will be monitored closely .Dont worrry I was really scared about being induced even though I only had about 2 hours warning and Im glad they did it now. If your worried and want to chat you can pm me.
Oh yeah and welcome to the forum!! :wave:


I was induced one week before Ellies due date because they thought she wasn't growing properly and my waters were slowly leaking.
They inserted a tablet at 7.00 by 8.00 i was having contractions if nothing has started after 6 hours then they insert another tablet but as you are already 2cms dilated i dont think you would need anymore than the one tablet to start you off. Ellie was born at 3.01am. I was already 2cm dialated when they started me off aswell. I didnt find it bad at all but off course i have never gone into labour naturally so i dont have anything to compare it to.

Hope it all goes well for you Gracexx

Sam was induced at 38 weeks because I'd been having contractions and on bed rest since week 27. Originally they were going to use the pessary method but they changed their minds when they realised my cervix was almost fully effaced and 1cm dilated. I had the drip method. They start you off on the minimal amount and gradually increase the dose. It means you're hooked up to a drip and a monitor but you can still move about and go to the loo etc.
They just kept increasing the dose gradually and the whole build up was fairly gentle.
Both my previous labours were spontanious and I wouldn't say there was any real difference in pain levels etc....

good luck!
hiya :wave: i have never been induced, but wanted to say good luck!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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