Can you help me with this....


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hello ladies....

Hoping some of you can give me some advice and help me shed some light on whats going on.....

My miscarriage started on 4th March....thats when the brown blood i have counted this as i am effectively cd13 now. I normally ov on cd 12 and start to get positive opks on cd10 and get them cd11 too and then ov on cd 12....

I started doing opks on cd8 and got a second line and then got an even darker one on cd9, but it was negative on the clearblue digital opk....but since then the tests have been negative and last 2 days have been 100% line what so ever

i have had slight twinges and niggles on my right side a bit like ov pain....and i am well confused now!! especially with the no lines whatsoever!!

I have read tht you can actually ov before a mc finishes or even starts because its the drop in progesterone that kick starts the LH i think i either caught the tail end of ov on cd8 and cd9...but then the niggles today have confused me...

i guess i will just have to see when af turns up and then i will get an idea whan i actually ov...

we are not trying this month because it would mean i was due too close to i have been trying to monitor so i know when it's safe to BD....I thought we were safe last night so we dtd!! and then got the niggly pains

I counted the day I started to bleed heavy as cd1 and have got my surge yesterday and 14 and 15 so maybe ov is still to come for u!
well the 5th march was when i actually mc with the red that would make it cd12 i should still be getting a start of a surge surely..? hmmm....who knows...

just have to accept cycle will be to po this just so worried that im never gonna ovulate daft as that worried that was my only chance! give me a slap??
You will definetly ovulate again that was not your only chance! We will all have a sticky bean! Although I may go forum mad till I actually give birth! Im addicted. Automatic on my phone it comes up on my phone now!
Lol its my home page on my phone internet he he!!!
Samsgirl I know how u feel but I promoise u, u will ov again x
found this this morning....i think it desribes whats going on with me perfectly! It may help ithers too...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Technically, when things go perfectly, your first period will not arrive until four weeks after your hCG levels reach zero. Since most women will not be tested all the way to zero (which on your forms would show as "less than 5"), you will not know exactly when this will happen. In a normal recovery, it can take three weeks for the hormone chain to fire up again, and it will not be marked by bleeding or any physical symptom. You will only know that the new cycle worked by having a period at the end of it, between five and seven weeks after your miscarriage.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Here are the most common scenarios and symptoms that go with them. They come from a decade's worth of collecting women's experiences, from the easiest and quickest recoveries to the most elongated and complicated ones.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Remember that the day you found out about the loss is not a benchmark, nor is the day you began bleeding. The actual hormone change begins to take place either during the D&C or when the placenta pulls away from the uterus during the natural miscarriage, which is usually when the cramps and bleeding are at their worst. That is Day 1 of the recovery (but not Day 1 of a new cycle, as you will see.)

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The most common recovery goes like this:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Your bleeding will taper off to spotting within a week, and maybe random spotting will continue for another week. Your hCG drops steadily, usually hitting zero during the end of the spotting, or about 10 days after the miscarriage or D&C. When the spotting ends, you will get strange symptoms. If you use a fertility monitor, it may say you are ovulating, but you are not. You may see lots of cervical mucus coming out, sometimes still brown or yellow, but it is not a fertility sign either. In fact, most of the time, you will not ovulate in this cycle. You should not be trying to get pregnant, either. For why, visit the trying again section.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Some women find they have mild pregnancy symptoms, or little ovulation cramps. Many many women think they could be pregnant, because strange things are happening and their period is "late" (although almost every post-miscarriage period is late.) These symptoms are due to the body's attempts to regulate its hormones again. It may kick into gear right away, and you will get a new period in four to five weeks, or it may struggle a bit, and the period will not come for seven weeks. If you chart your temperatures, they will be all over the place. This is all perfectly normal and expected. Eventually your period arrives and can be either light or heavy. There is no "normal" right now. For more on this, or to spot trouble, see the next section on Your First Period.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT]
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Interesting read! I had 9 days of no bleeding after m/c bleed stopped. Used protection in between as I wanted to wait for my af to be able to date. Got what I thought was my af after 9 days and it was still in line with my usual cycle. Now I dont know if it was just an extra bleed aftet my m/c or an af. As I had stopped bleeding and it was in line with my old cycle Im going to now keep going with ttc but maybe I should not overly stress till I get another!
been really twingey and crampy all day....just like ov pain. its bizarre!!! still completely negative opks still

wish it would settle down

I got completely negative OPK's following my MMC til AF arrived, which I've been tolds isn't unusual.

This time I got a surge on CD18.......4 days later than predicted by tickers.
thanks hon.....i got some lines about 3 or 4 days after got a negative i think i may have ovulated really early on after the mc........which if thats the case and my reckoning is right.....i should get af in about a week tomorrow's time, which would be 3 weeks after first spot of will just have to see eh :) hopefully after af arrives next cycle will settle down xx
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