Can you drive? (please answer even if you don't! ;-)

I do I couldn't be without!
My OH has a works van, all paid for, taxed, insured etc so we're lucky we don't have the addition expense of having a vehicle each.
laetitia85 said:
I am sick of people telling me i should learn how to drive. i know I should and I will!! :x I just wanted to carry out my own little research to see how many of you are in my situation. Thanks for answering!

o you should learn to drive :o


i have been driving for 14 years this november :shock: OMG!!!
i passed first time --- :cheer:
I drive and I have my own car. Am very lucky that OH has his own car too although the cheeky get prefers to use mine on a weekend because mine is cheaper to run than his!!
I passed my test about 6 years ago and it took me three attempts because I used to get so nervous.
gawd budge ur old.. no kididng :rotfl:

i passed my test a year in march.. we live in counrty, 2 miles to shop dont even have a phone box here lol.. so i had to learn.. struggled with prams on buses the lot.. now i have my own car. and alex is learning to drive he laso has his own car..

i would say its the best thing ever learning if you dont lvie close to amenitys, or things u can do with ur kids..
I can't at the moment but everyone's nagging me to! I had 40 hours of lessons at 17 but was useless! and was no where near ready to take a test so I quit.

When I lived in a city I wasn't bothered, but I live 17 miles from the city now though so it's got to the stage where I'm missing out not driving.

Yesterday I booked my theory test for 4 weeks time :shock: :shock: so I've got to start learning the highway code (have ordered a pc cd rom from amazon to work through)
Once I've passed the theory OH is gonna pay for me to take an intensive driving course where you have several hours of lessons everyday for 2 weeks then take the driving test. It actually works out a lot cheaper than paying £25 an hour for lessons (costs £700!)

I'm really scared about it, but know it will improve my quality of life, and that of the kids if I can drive. James has been invited to birthday partys before but couldn't go because they were beig held in a village with no bus service, and OH was at work
I can drive and do occassionally over here but public transport is excellent in Budapest and far quicker than driving in the city.

I am learning my learners runs out tom :( i was 6 months preg with Kiara when i got it and in my old car i got to fat to put my seatbelt on because im short and had to put my seat way forward. then had my section so didnt drive for 2 months then got a bit of practice in the next while before i got preg and fat again and another section. so everytime i got confident ide stop driving and have to start over.
Im aiming for a year to get my actual lisence :pray: just have to pass the learners test again when i go to renew it :lol:
I didn't know what to choose. I passed my test a year ago but I only drove a couple of times after! I'm too scared :oops: :oops:
Learnt to drive as soon as i was 17. Passed first time.
feel lik ei have had my independance cut off if i dont have my car.
Passed my test at 17. I have my own car, dont think i could manage without it to be honest. I need it to get to work plus it gives you so much freedom to jump in and go where you please.
I passed my test first time in April this year, it was the best thing that ever happened to me apart from meeting hubby, and buying a property...

By driving I have ALOT more freedom then I did before. its also the one thing I wanted to do b4 I had kids I hate public transport...

On the downside it IS expensive (then again i drive a mazda mx5!).

I also drive to my job which i wouldnt of been able to do b4...

It will happen honey, its a gr8 goal to work towards :)

I have never bothered to learn as for years I have lived about 2mins from a tube station so it seemed to be easier and cheaper not to bother but now with my LO on the way I think I'm gonna start learning soon. xxxx
gems said:
I have never bothered to learn as for years I have lived about 2mins from a tube station so it seemed to be easier and cheaper not to bother but now with my LO on the way I think I'm gonna start learning soon. xxxx

that's pretty much how i thought, until i got pregnant. Now it seems like I really have to :(
i started to do it several years ago but lost teh bottle :(

my mums doing her test and passed the first one, shes doing the real deal now :dance:

i cba to learn now oh drives and i got access to bus's taxi's trains so that'll do :)
laetitia85 said:
gems said:
I have never bothered to learn as for years I have lived about 2mins from a tube station so it seemed to be easier and cheaper not to bother but now with my LO on the way I think I'm gonna start learning soon. xxxx

that's pretty much how i thought, until i got pregnant. Now it seems like I really have to :(

But at the same time you can do lots of lovely walks with your LO take them to the park and walkign about.

Yeah driving is nice but whilst your not think of the money you'll be saving :)

IOf ppl go on at u about driving tell them to p off :)

can drive and got car, i'd be lost with out it! Though my OH never lets me drive when he is in the car :(
I was 37 weeks pg with Joe when I passed my test. :wink:
It was a good and bad thing. Like Kimbo, I kinda lost my legs but im trying to walk more now.
Its easier to get about with the two kids when there is a car and I know I fortunate to have one.
It was easy to get the bus and walk everywhere with just one baby but when Joe came along I had to use a double buggy (need I say more). Jess wasnt/isnt a good walker.

So, back to the point. Yes, I drive and have a car.

oooh, here is something that came to mind. Jess is far more outgoing and talks to everyone. Joe is shy and crys if people he doesn know talk to him. I wonder if he is like that because he doesnt get as much social interaction as jess did because we go more places in the car.
i kick myself for not learnin to drive before havin Jam, i have to be driving before i have another baby cos no way am i puttin 2 kids on the bus!!! :shakehead:

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