can u help me ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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okay im sorry for posting here as im not TTC "at the mo" :lol:

but my AF is now 20 days late :shock: :shock: i was due on the 3rd jan but have had nothing as of and OH dont use contreception as to speak we just use withdrawal if u get me :oops: i have done a HPT a week ago and that was a whats going on ? where is my AF could i still be pregnant?

please help me im so worried as it hasnt strated yet and im never late :?

i have been getting tinges..funny pains in my right groin area for a week or two...whats this all about ?

can u help me ?

Rhian xxx
You may have ovulated late and therefore your period would be late, or you may be pregnant but there isnt enough hcg in your urine to show up on a test yet, but that is quite rare at 20 days late. Have you ever used contraception? or at least the pill as that could affect your cycle. Id do another HPT now as it may have been too early a week ago. If it still shows negative then the only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to have a blood test at the Docs. Hope this helps. :hug:
All i can suggest is doing another test, (some people dont get BFPs til they are quite late - although if you did one a week ago, so you would have been 13 days late then)

Anyywa - if thats BFN then maybe a trip to the docs to see if they can tell you whats going on...?
i have never been on the pill as i get sever migraines so im not allowed the pill :lol:

with christopher i got a dark BFP @ 6 weeks whats happening this time ?

what should i do ?

i know worrying about being so late wont help but how can u not worry

(not that anthr prgncy would be a prob)

as we plan to join u lot at the end of this year...... :cheer: :dance:
Every pregnancy is different.....

Maybe you shoudl just go to the docs and say that you havent had a period since xxxx and you are just worried about what is going on so do they have any ideas? It might help to set your mind at rest?
I'd say try not to worry.

It's definitely possible that you're pregnant as withdrawal is no guarantee.

Get a checkup with the GP. You're not using any contraception so there's nothing to harm the baby if you are pregnant so I guess it's also a case of just waiting a bit longer.


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