Can someone please tell me why not to warm milk..........


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I have read loads of peoples advice about warming milk in the microwave. I have always done this with both my girls and im doing it again with my little man.

But I have read loads of people saying not to warm in microwave with the lid and teats left on?

I TBH cannot remember if we kept the Girls lids on the bottles but I know im warming my boys milk with the lid on. Am I doing it wrong??

I think my first DD I took her lid off only because they were the tall bottles and they wouldnt fit in with lid on. But with my other DD and son i keep the lid on. :?
The only reason I have read/ remember about not warming in microwave is because of 'hot spots' in the milk......not sure about the teats & lids though :think:
As emmylou said it's hot spots in the milk, because the microwave doesn't heat evenly as hot water/bottle warmer does there could be cooler and hotter parts to the milk if it hasnt mixed properly and the hotter bits could scald the babies mouth.
I think the same goes for the teats, they could warm up unevenly and burn the babies mouth.
I started off warming Jake's bottles in a bowl of hot water but I soon got fed up with doing that because it took so long. I started microwaving his bottles but I don't heat them up for very long and I always give them a really good shake before I give them to him to make sure there arn't any hot spots. I was told not to heat the bottle up with the lid on because they can explode but I would imagine that this would only happen if you heated them up really hot which you wouldn't do anyway.
Another one of those stupid rules to cover there own backs.

If you use enough common sense, I can't see using the microwave being a problem, I have it and had no problems.
babsi said:
Another one of those stupid rules to cover there own backs.

If you use enough common sense, I can't see using the microwave being a problem, I have it and had no problems.

See I agree, I just think back to when I was a bubs, all the things they did then, wouldn't be advised now..............why? Because someone is more liking to sue a company if there wasn't a 'warning' about it. My mum feed me plain black tea when I was 10 weeks old, started feeding me pureed foods at that age, gave me normal water, used easier methods to heat a bottle and basically did what you're not suppose to do now and I bet you any money, a majority of your parents (that's every one on this site) did exactly the same.
I have used a microwave since birth with both of my kids and have NEVER burnt their mouths. You can make a bottle to hot but give it a good shake and and put it in cold water and it soon cools for them.And I always try a bottle before i give it too my baby.
Gving it a good shake evens the temp out.But alwasy try the bottle first.Even if it seems ok to the touch.
My sister formula feeds and she uses the microwave to warm her LO's bottle's. I think she only put's them in for about 20-30 seconds just to take the chill off and she just makes sure she give's them a really good shake :D
20 sec cook here too for 5 oz , and i loeave the the lid/teat on altho i add formula after heating
Maybe it's incase pressure builds up if the bottle is heated with no air hole or 'escape' like if you put a tupperware in with a lid on?
Josephine_Beth said:
babsi said:
Another one of those stupid rules to cover there own backs.

If you use enough common sense, I can't see using the microwave being a problem, I have it and had no problems.

See I agree, I just think back to when I was a bubs, all the things they did then, wouldn't be advised now..............why? Because someone is more liking to sue a company if there wasn't a 'warning' about it. My mum feed me plain black tea when I was 10 weeks old, started feeding me pureed foods at that age, gave me normal water, used easier methods to heat a bottle and basically did what you're not suppose to do now and I bet you any money, a majority of your parents (that's every one on this site) did exactly the same.

my parents also let me sit in the boot when we had more passengers then seats - not sure I'd let my daughters do that even though I am fine. I was also weaned early and had allergies. I can see what you are saying but research means that guidelines change as we get to know more about things. Its up to each of us to do what we feel is right but to just dimiss them because we are alright and it never did us any harm isn't always the case.
I absolutely agree with beanie - often new research comes out which disproves old thinking. Often attitudes and ways of doing things need to change due to this new information.

Valentine Xxx

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