Can I request surgery?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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After nearly 7 weeks of mastitis and ending up in casulty and once in hospital to get it drained, and about 5 different courses of antibiotics, its still here and still very sore, back to the doctors again, can I request surgery this time? so I know it is completely out of the way, so tired of it all now..

And if anyone has had surgery for mastitis could you please telll me what to expect, thanks xx
I'm sure there is something they can do for, if it's surgery then so be it. I think if you ask to be referred to a breast specialist would be better and a GP can't refuse a referral if you request it so don't let them fob you off put ya foot down hun xxxxxxx
thanks, doctor I got yesterday handed me alot of tablets (28 a day!) and I am to go back in on monday and if its still not gone then its surgery, so lets hope this works and i dont need to go through more pain :/, thanks for your advice xx
Oh you poor thing, i had no idea it was so bad...28 tablets a day?!! I really hope it can be sorted ASAP :hugs:
You poor thing :( Fingers crossed this works xxx
My mum had surgery for mastitis and she said it was fine. She had to have a drip fitted but she wasn't in for long apparently and it helped her sooo much.

Hope your feeling better soon :hug: xx
Thanks girls, will update you all on monday and let you know how i get on, doctor said the other day it was the worst he had seen and cause my immune system is getting so low because of it all I need to have yakult to keep it up! there is a weird squishy lump on top of the original lump now so I cant imagine thats good either, goodness! :lol: xx
Oh blimey - you poor thing, hang in there , hope it's better by monday, but if not, as you say will be lovely to have an end to it all so you can move forward without pain X
Hope the tablets work for you soon :hugs: xx
Hope the tablets work for you, I would never be able to swallow 28 tabs a day! :shock:
Ouchie hun, you poor thing! 28 tablets a day too... wow! Really hope they work hun. Lots of :hugs: xx
Tablets started working, then stopped :/ and eventually my boob burst (not as dramatic as it sounds :lol: ) and hundreds of puss started leaking out to the right of my nipple, so got to go to a breast clinic for some scans and see from there :/ xx
:cry: you poor poor thing :hug: I hope you are pain free soon hun xxx
That sounds painful! Hope you get sorted soon xx
Oh Crimson, sounds awful! Sorry you've had such a hard too and I appreciate what you're going through. Hope it gets sorted soon - pregnancy and childbirth totally mess up our bodies! xx

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