...can i not turn off thinking about TTC for one minute?!?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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goodness me, i seem to be thinking about TTC practically ALL day long!!!

i told DF's mum on Saturday that we are TTC and in a way im happy about it as i can talk to her and shes such a good listener - she also told me that she is over the moon and has been giving me tips!! :D

well just thought i would pop on and say hello to all your TTCers and lets hope this month is OUR month :cheer: :D :D
i know how you feel... I am not allowed to tell OH when am OV cos he says its too much pressure so i just have to jump him!! so theres only me thinking about it....
I keep trying to convince myself that im not properly trying and just going with it and see when it happens but just cant help thinking about when im ovulating, if we managed to do it in time for me ov, and counting down the days till end of my cycle i know that i wont be this month but still cant help but get my hopes up a little and i still get dissapointed when AF comes :x
Agree with all above.... but its taking over my days... lol

I also cant tell oh when i am ov as he cant stand the pressure, this month i didnt tell him and i have a totally different month, was sick last night when i got into bed and sick 2wice today at work but then i feel fine again.....

Going to test Thurs... doing well holding out but so tired when i get home that i cant be bothered to go get a test.

Baby dust for us all xxxx

I can never work out when to test. I should do on Saturday i think but not sure. I will keep you company and test on Thursday too. :wave:

If I test thurs i will be 2 days past AF... thats if I get past AF !!!!

Good luck to us both hun and every1 else testing soon...

Hope we have a BFP BOOM !!! :dance:
Well im due AF on thursday but last month was few days late so who knows i just hate the waiting game :x
Good luck everyone testing soon hope we all get our BFPs that we want so badly xxxxx

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