can i have some help please - confused...


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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OH's mum came over with two packets of no dded sugar angel delight ( chocolate flavour :D ) she has given it to me so that i can give it to christopher hes just 8 months and has been weaned for some time now. im not sure if he can have it ? if i made it with his milk would it be okay ? if so how much can i give him ? i know he cant have cows milk until hes 12 months so im woundering if its okay to make it with formular ?

sorry if this sounds daft but i dont want to make him ill :(

any help ?
hi hun they can have cows milk from 6 months in food, the desert should be ok my littlr girl has had it from being young, i give her about the same amount as a yogurt
It is ok to use cows milk in cooking from 6 months. They are just not meant to have it as a drink so it doesn't replace their usual milk. I was confused about milk too, but once I read this it all became clear!
he should be fine with it. They can have cows milk if mixedwiht food at 6 months.

take a piccy please as its sure to be messy :cheer:
I try to avoid "no added sugar" stuff cos artificial sweetners are basically just chemicals. I would rather give something with a bit of sugar in than sweetners, but that's just me.
i would agree with everyone else cows milk is ok in food after 6 months just not to drink :)
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Definitely check the salt content and if its salt free then it should be fine mixed with his own milk

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