Can anyone clarify if this is ok? Mind is racing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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I feel silly asking but I really don't know. I miscarried earlier this year with twins and had no idea, had D&C op at 14 weeks. I've just miscarried at nearly 5 weeks, booked docs app after I noticed some bleeding - very slight. By Friday morning when I had a second app where the doc tested a urine sample to say I wasn't pregnant I had the most awful pains, I struggled to get home from the docs and had to get OH to come home from work to get me a drink to take the pain killers i'd been given! I've had on and off bleeding and pains since then and not sure how long this is supposed to last? My doc just said, if the pain gets worse come back that Fri afternoon as it could be ectopic and thats it - no other advice or information. I have to say the pains were too much for me to even ask any questions but I few days on I'm wondering if this is normal? Thanks for any advice ladies x x
not sure. i have had several mc but no pain. it its still an issue i would go bck to doc as soon as poss.
I need to agree, this is your body here, you have to look after yourself, even if you don't feel much like it at the moment.
Go back to the hospital and get checked out.

i like above have lost 3 and thankfully didn't suffer the pain you seem to be in. Every pregnancy and person is different....... what might be ok for you, may be harmful for me... you know?

Go see a professional and get a scan, blood tests or what ever it takes to make you and your body better.....

Good luck sweetheart, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
I think everyone is different but if you are at all worred i'd go back to hospital and get checked out. When I m/c I had very severe pain & even passed out a few times it was so bad.

I was told in A&E that they we're contractions that are simular to labour as they we're coming at regular intervals, they said that some women experience this type of extreme pain and others have a more or less painless micarriage and it all completely depends on each individual.

Let u know how u get on :hug:
Please please go straight to a and e and get it checked out. Today is tuesday and Friday is too far away what if something happens or the pain becomes unbearable??

I have miscarried 3 times and luckily I have not experienced servere pain, however I remember having an asthma attack and it was fine one day but go extremly bad and it was my doctor who said to come back later in the week!! Im just making a comparasion to say get i checked now rather then later.

I must say that it is quite bad of your doctor to sugegst coming back later in the week. Im not trying to scare you but if it is ectopic the longer it is left the worse it can get he/she (your doc) should know this and should suggest you get scanned asap!!

Best wishes and let us know how it turns out... im so sorry you have had to go through this again...
I agree. When I mc they told me to go to A&E if I had severe pain (luckily it was just like a bad period). I think you should definitely see someone asap!!! I think A&E is best as they are better eqipped to do tests/ scans etc straight away.

Very sorry to hear of your troubles :hug:

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