can anyon advise on this got blood test results back


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Got my bloods back from yesterday and they are showing a weak positive is this something to worry about? I am going to G.P's in the morning at 9.30 but it seems scarey does this mean babe is on way out or that hormone not that strong yet?
Any answers apprecaited
They could still be low chick.

The best way to know where you stand in this situation is to have a repeat done in 48 hours! I'm guessing that is what they are doing?

What was you levels?
he is telling me tomorrow. All the other tests are ok that they ran.

I just done another digital and got the word pregnant really quickly so i am sure hormones must be quite good to get strong pos with clearblue. I keep running to the loo am bloody obsessed. Weak positive were the words she used couldnt she have just said positive?
i keep running to the loo even now like AF is going to come bexxie, im sure all is ok please try to relax xx you have your BFP xx :hug:
she just said,the doctor wants to see you.I mean how bad does that sound? Then she said it is prob fine if you are not that far gone all will be okay I am sure WTF,talk about scare shit out of you.

Rusks thanks i know just finding it hard to relax I know i am being daft coz what will be will be at end of day and worrying wont help.
Bexxie you'll be fine! Your HCG is high enough for a digi so stop panicing :hug:

They never put things in the bestest ways! an they can't assume anything is wrong from one blood test so you shouldn't :wink:

Sorry I missed your MSN - I was at the shop! x
From what ive read from various forums, nurses and doctors are very good at being insensitive and worrying you.

if youre getting a positive on a clearblue digital then i wouldnt worry, theyre not the most sensitive of tests.

Im sure evrything is fine hope your next visit will clear your head.
Hope all goes well bexxie. Let us know what the doc said when you get to speak to him

Hugs, try to relax


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