21day blood test results..

Ema-lou, the month you had your blood test on day 20, how long was your cycle?

Just to give you some hope:
My first round of blood tests showed that I wasn't Ov'ing, but I was sure I was! Sure enough, I had the tests repeated the following month, and the result was progesterone level of 60.
Hang in there Xx
Hi, I really think the record should be straight on this stress thing. I was v suprised at HelenJ being told that stress wasnt a factor as it disagreed with everything my own doctor had said, so I rang my brother in law, who is a Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (who I would never normally bother, but felt it was important to know). He has lectured on fertility and said that stress is definitely DEFINITELY a massive factor in not conceiveing. He said not only does it play havoc with your body (sometimes to the extent of not ovulating and missing whole cycles) but that it affects sleep patterns and eating and those again have a knock on effect on fertility levels.

Sorry if I sound assertive - dont mean to ruffle any feathers, but it could make all the difference to somebody.

Clem xx

PS. He told me that some of the latest studies that arent released yet are showing that mackerel has a fast boost to fertility!! Stock up just before you ovulate (if you can get your OH to come near your mackerel breath lol)
I Totally agree with clem. As a therapist I know soooo well what PHYSICAL affects stress has on the body, it's true that stress can kill you! So it can deffinately affect fertility, no doubt about it. Lots of stress free relaxing and massages ladys!
clem...thank you sooo much for doing that, it means so much.

i dont feel in myself that im stressed tho, im feeling pretty good, works ok at mo, new job in tow etc, OH getting foot in the door with a job he loves etc....its just this TTC buisness thats stressing me out a bit lol..

so i think im just going to take time out from testing for ovulation etc, not any precautions so we technically still trying if that makes sence.

I was in tears the other day over it, saying its payback for what i did in the past. OH thinks im just being stupid,its just that man upstairs making us work harder to prove to him we deserve a LO..

for those that dont know i was in a terrible relationship and fell preggo, dont know how as i had the coil fitted and my ex told me to get rid of it and left me and went back to his wife...i went to the docs and booked myself in for an abortion, my appointment for the actual deed was the following week, she removed my coil and i went out and got soooo drunk i was close to ending my life cos i hated the fact i was in this situation, didnt wanna go through with the abortion so tried everything to make myself miscarry naturally....

went to the hosp for my appointment, saw my baby on the screen and cried, i knew then i had made the biggest mistake of my life and bolted!! told them i couldnt go through with it and went home and told my ex i was keeping the baby.

i misscarried 2 days later..

so now all i can think is this is my payback ;-(
Oh ema! I didn't know all that. How sad. But definately not pay back, I'm religious and God doesn't work that way. You couldn't go through it and that's the main thing, it's just one of those awful things that happens. I think your plan of no contraception but no testing/charting etc is a good one. Just enjoy each other and your time will come my friend. Please don't beat yourself up about your past, as it's just that, past, no amount of regret can change it. Just look forward and enjoy everyday as it comes, looking after yourself and Stu and anyone around you that matters and then you may just be suprised. Chin up chicken

Toni x x
Thanks hunk it means alot that I dnt get judged. Although I didn't go thru with it the thought was still there and at that time I tried everything to make it go away then when I saw my baby at 7wks old I knew I had made a mistake by doing this so said I was keeping my baby, but too much damage had been done and I lost it 2 days later. Maybe if I hadn't got so drunk I wouldve had that baby, but then I was so stressed that mightve been the cause, who knows.
All I do know it that I hate myself for it x
I used stu's iPhone to come online and didn't realise he was signed in on his account, sorry!
We all make mistakes babe. Don't keep it hanging over you anymore
I hope I didn't offend anyone by my post, ofcourse I didn't want to make anyone more stressfull. I must admit that the study was about women who were on IVF (and not just trying to conceive on their own), meaning women who have fertility issues AND USE IVF are more succesfull when they are stressed (and this is monitored by several extensive questionares and conversations with counselors) versus women who are ' laidback' about their IVF TREAMENTS. I thought I did write this clear in my previous post and I apologize if I didn't.

Still hope you get your BFP soon :D

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