Charlene! Not seen you on here in a while! How are things now? I hope there better than before Cabhan arived
How is your little family getting on?? xxx
Yea everythings fine now after a long stressful pregnancy.
First 7 weeks of cabhans life have been upsetting for me and stressful for himself he has been having very severe colic issues.
First 2 weeks we were using just cheap (tesco baby range) feeding bottles and sma first stage milk.
His colic started full force (what I thought) so me and OH bought him some infacol which sadly didn't work.
Then he started getting worse because his milk wasn't filling him so had to keep feeding him which then lead to even more trapped wind and more painful colic.
Spoke to MW as we started using using Dr Brown's bottles (expensive or what!!!) and cow and gate extra hungry milk and infacol and still no change, we thought he was hungry when he wasn't it was actually the brand of milk only to then find out he wasn't on cow and gate either when we noticed his colic had got even worse and he couldn't poo!
So yesterday I went to the pharmacy as I was at whits end due to sleep deprevation and told the pharmacist about the problems I had, she reccomeded colief (£12 but so bleeding worth it!) I bought some and did another milk change to aptamil first stage and colief in a Dr Brown's bottles, well I never have seen a sleep a night so well, smile as much and he started gurgling for me!!!
7 weeks and only have I just sussed out what works best for my son, I feel so bad for not knowing from first days but it's what I knew from AJ sma, cheap bottles and infacol its made me realise what everyone says EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT!!! Couldn't be happier now though knowing that my son as had a different personality change and seeing the love he dotes on me!
tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!