Can´t believe this....

Congratulations! I've got my fx cos I've got the sore boobs and have had a runny nose like you! I hope you don't mind me asking but I saw ur bfp in the august testing thread on the 22 and was wondering how you got your bfp so early? I've already had a bfn trying to resist testing till missed af!
Hope this is a happy 9 months for you xox
This test wasnt really positive ;( Thank you all for congratulations me! I took this test 12 days ago, and since then just got negatives...
This is my tests.. Still no sign to AF... Not looking good, the tests look not nice here i had them in a plastic bag and its been make up in it so ...

Hi Scandi Mum,

I hope you are OK?

I was wondering how sensitive your tests are?

Maybe you need to try a more sensitive test, here's some info off internet that may help-

If a woman is pregnant, the amount of hCG in her system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo. Blood tests can determine pregnancy as low as between 5 to 10 mIU/hCG, though with levels of 5 mIU, a conclusive determination cannot be made without risking a "false positive" (as low levels hCG can be present in the body without pregnancy).

Drugstore pregnancy tests generally detect pregnancy at 50 mIU - 100 mIU hCG, though you can find early-detection pregnancy tests on the Internet with sensitivity levels as low as 20 mIU. With all diagnostic products, take care to follow the instructions.

Basically the lower mIU number the more sensitive the test so give one a try.

Also my Mum's friend thought she was pregnant and it didn't get confirmed until two weeks passed her missed period even by her doctor she just knew from her previous pregnancy.

Try not to worry, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, let me know how you get on xx
thank you so much!!I have been pretty down and worried about this, going from positive to negative and faint tests. I bought the most sensitive tests I think its 15 or 25 mIU, so been taking CB digital + plus, and tried all brands.. I get faint line with CB plus, and negative with digital.. I don´t know whats going on, im not sure about my cycle but with my positive ovulaton test, my period wud be due last monday but with 28 days cycle i wud be due yesterday or so.. Pretty confused, is it possible to get positive test a week and half before period is due?!

Going to doctor tomorrow and get to know more:) Feel pregnant ( very moody, sore boobs that comes and goes, tiredness etc)

AAah! so I guess you have everything covered, I had a faint positive yesterday and I'm doing a Clear blue digital in about an hour so I'll let you know how that goes xx

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