* Callum James, Birth Story, Added 31st May, With Pics *


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Callum James

Thanks to everyone who left me nice messages while i was in hospital!
Just a shame i only got to read them 10 days later!!!

Due Date
8th June 2008
Arrival Date
Wednesday 21st May 2008 16.55
5 pounds 15oz
Established Labour Duration
10 hours 02 mintues

Monday 19th May 2008
Well most of you already know that my waters went 2 days before i gave birth.
The most embarrasing thing EVER to happen to me in my whole life!
In a nice Itallian restaurant with Lee. The waitresses didnt know what to do and just kept handing me napkins...
It was dripping through the chair and everything :rotfl:

Went to hospital, got checked over...
Baby fine, got sent home and told to come again tomorrow to have the baby checked out.
Organised an induction for the Wednesday, if i didnt go naturally...

Tuesday 20th May 2008
Went into the hospital at around 3pm like they told me too..
Waiting until half past 6 to be seen.. very busy, people going into labour..
Baby fine, sent home...

Was having slight period type pains, but nothing too bad..
My mum had given us a lift into the hospital...
On the way home, started to get more painful pains...
They werent in my back or anything like ive heard, more in my front...
When we were nearly home i was snapping at my mum because she was going over speed bumps...
Totally not her fault and i felt really bad when the pain was over!! :(!!

At home relaxing on the couch with Lee...
Took paracetamol because pains were getting more painful....

Decided i was definately having proper contactions, started to come regularly....

Tried to go lie down to see if that would help..
Having contractions and they strted making me feel sick...
Then i was... :puke: it was horrible. Lee didnt know what to do except sit with me and ask was i ok!
I just took a dep breath and said no, do i look ok!

Wednesday 21st May 2008
Pains went on for ages... Got the TENS machine out, which did help up to a point.
Decided to get into a warm bath to see if that would be any help...
Lee putting water over my bump.
The pains started coming closer together and i just got irratated so got out...
Lay on the bed naked, dripping wet, in pain.... i just didnt care, wanted it to stop

Pains coming every 5 mintues.
phoned hospital and they said to come in if the pain was unbearable... (It was)
Got to hospital, put into a room...
Started using the gas and air.. apparently i was stumbling around gozzy eyed... :lol:
The gas and air helped but i was still in a lot of pain!

Sometime after 10am
Ended up having the diamorphine injection somewhere along the line when i couldnt handle the pain anymore..
That helped quite a bit but still felt painful contactions...

The labour must have slowed right down from then because it seemed forever i was in pain...
I cant really describe much else sorry because it is just a blur of pain right now....

Around 4pm
I was 9cm dialated but the baby head was really really low down and you could see it, apparently!
they decided to use vontouce to help get the baby out..
I think i was because i was 9cm and the head was so low but im not completely sure....
So yeah... i pushed him out, with help, and it hurt...
I tore, and needed stitches...

The most sureal thing ever..
I burst into tears when he was out and Lee had a few tears too.
I really expected Lee to be awful during the birth, because hes quite jokey..
But he was great, duno what id of done without him there! :)
He bought me a gorgeous eternity ring too!

Dressed him in his First Liverpool Kit.. Arrr..

After The Birth
Decided to name him Callum!
He cried okay.
Waiting to be moved to the maternity ward...
Watched the Mancs beat Chelsea :puke: :puke: :puke:
Would have been a lot worse if we didnt have our gorgeous son there too!
Finally moved at about 11pm, Lee went home...

Tried breatfeeding but he would latch on, so got shown how to hand express..
Not that i got a lot at that time, gave him watever i did...
Stayed next to my bed all night, midwife woke me up to try feeding him.

Thursday 22nd May 2008
Callum got checked over....
Decided to go do blood tests on him because i was early and my waters broke early too...
Found out later that day that his level to get an infection was high so he was put on 5 days antibiotics and blood sugar too.
It was horrible having him next to my bed for one night and then him being taken away to special care to be monitored ect...

Ended up staying in hospital for 9 days!!
Visited scbu everyday with Lee
Just before antibiotics finished he got jaundice so had to go under uv light.
It was horrible seeing him under those!

iI was expressing my breast milk bacause he still wasnt latching on properly and decided to feed him by bottle or he'd never be able to come home...

Finally on Thursday he was allowed back next to my bed, still under the uv lights though...
Checked his jaundice levels everyday until it was low enough for him to come home...
Had a little rash on his face from it but told it will go on its own so...

Came home last night at around 9pm!
Made up... Finally!!!
Community midwife coming to see us today :)

Here are a few more pics of our little man...

YAY! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That's a beautiful story!!

He looks so much more healthier in that pic where he is yawning!! Beautiful!!

Must of been hard for you having him go into the SCBU, Glad he is home with you now though.

He is just gorge, so tiny, so perfect, well done both of you! :hug: :hug:

And can I just say you look amazing in that photo for having given birth just beforehand!
He's absolutely gorgeous Sarah! Big conrats and glad to hear you're all home and well! :) :hug:
He's sooo cute :D congratulations xx
wow, what a birth story!!

hes adorable and well cute!!!
Especially in that LFC kit!!!

My OH is getting a similar one for ours whether its a boy or a girl!!
(hea a mad LFC fan!)
I loved yourstyle of writing that birth story!

What a great birth story. Loved the bit about where your waters went :lol:

You did great. Callum is a beauty! (my lil bro is named Callum....Its a nice, strong name)

Congratulations :cheer:
Congrats.... hes sooooo cute specially on the yawning picture!!! well done you!!! xx xx
Great birth story :D Love the pic of him yawning :D

Welcome to the world Callum :D

P.S Have just ordered an baby LFC vest to give to my OH on Fathers Day ;)
Thats was one of the best birth stories i have read, i'm sat here nearly crying at the pics of him aswell, hes soooooo perfect and tiny.
I'm so glad that your both home and doing well now, must have been awful to not have him beside you at night.

Can i just add how the blummin heck did you manage to look that good after you have just given birth????...........lol
awwww he is sso gorgeous you must both be so proud
what a lovely ring too!!
Awww congratulations hunni!!!!

Hes gorgeous and i love your name choice too!
awww congratulations again sarah, he is absolutely perfect :D

so glad you are both home and well now :cheer: :hug:

He is absolutely adorable!! What a little darling!! :cheer: xx
awwww congrats hun!!! He is sooooo sooooo cute!!
Awww-he is soooo tiny Sarah ...what a cutie.
Glad you are home now and Callum is doing well. Congratulations!

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