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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Ladies, would you do us in Tri3 all a huge favour and post your tips for coping with labour in 3rd tri please? :pray:

I'm starting to absolutely poop myself about it and would really like to print off the thread and read through it properly nearer the time...

I know there are a quite a few of us that would really appreciate your wisdom and methods!! xx
I really dont no what to advise.

Oh my OH was talking to me in my ear telling me what a fab job i was doing and how proud he was, i had just gas and air and my eyes were closed, i felt like it was just me and him at our home sat on the settee, but i found it really encouraging.
all i can advice is forget the birthplan lol i never even got mine out haha
na go with what the midwifes are saying trust them they have done this loads of times,
dont panic if you feel like you are getting nowhere you are honestly
and breathe sounds silly now but when the pain gets bad you can easily forget to do something so simple
oh and try not to shout at your oh they are trying to be suportive lol
good luck to you all
The best piece of advice anyone can give I think is just to try and relax as much as possible. For one, if you can relax and rest as much as possible in between contractions it will give you a little breather and allow you to focus that bit more when you need to. Also the more you tense up, the more it will hurt, so breathe slowly and even time yourself if it helps to give you something to concentrate on. Big slow deep breaths are the way to go, it will really help above all else.

Other than that, try to keep moving as much as possible, it will really help your baby move down and get into position, making for an easier labour. I also found the presence of my partner to be extremely reassuring, even when he wasnt doing anything, I knew he was there and that was enough. Make sure you have a birth partner you trust 110%, someone who will calm you and reassure you or just hold your hand if thats what you want. Sounds silly, but I found it really comforting just to hold his hand.
i thought there was a coping with labour sticky..either in here or 3rd tri...or am i going mad?? lol
As Mid says- you don't have a choice! Personally I felt labour was the most natural thing in the world- but mine was quick with no complications- I managed without pain relief and only had a little graze which healed in a few days so not everyone's birth experience is bad!

You honestly forget all the pain as soon as your baby is born. I's hard to believe but it really happens! :D
i have to say just go with the flw, i can almost promise any plans you have go out the window :wink:
you wont panic when you go into labour, your body will just do its thang! :D

as the other girls have said, just go with the flow. Probably my biggest piece of advice is to not plan how you will deal with the pain until you know how that pain feels. If you cant deal with the pain ASK for pain relief. I was adamant I didnt want an epidural before labour etc etc but its the best thing I could've done having one. I made the decision based on how long I had left in labour and how tired and in agony I was so it was right for me. I say ASK for it because I know some hozzys dont actually offer. Oh and the other thing is enjoy it! Birth is the best experience of my life :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Dont fight it!! Go with what your body wants to do. Try to relax between contractions (sounds daft I know) & breathe, otherwise you will hyperventillate. Just focus on what your body is doing, & what you are about to hold in your arms, & if you feel the urge to scream, swear whatever, then do it!! Stuff everyone else!! In my 1st labour, I gave birth in the observation ward full of other women, & I tried so hard not to make a noise, but the 2nd time, I didnt care who heard me, it helped!! Just remember women have been doing this for years. & if you need pain relief, then get it!!!!
midna said:
I dont think you can cope lol your body just takes over and drags you along with it lol.
LOL why is it each time I go to post something, you have already posted it!? hahaha
ITA! There is nothing I could say to help you cope! You just do it!
Although I was scared, I was also excited. The day Dan was born was the most painful and wonderful day in my life!
I was IV induced, so I am hoping next time will be different :wink: The pain for me was excruciating so I opted for drugs! I really wished I had never had any pethedine as this took my focus completely away, it was as if I was really drunk. I believe I could have coped better if my mind was clear. Saying that though, thats only my experience. A lot of women find pethedine helpful.
I also agree with LisaPink, have a good moan! I tried to keep quiet too, not sure why! But towards the end I could hold it in no longer. It did actually help to focus on my own noise! :lol:
No real advice here either. My labour was so fast that by the time i got the hang of the 3min contractions, they were down to 2mins then on top of each other. You just need to listen to the midwives. I was stubborn and was ignoring them telling me how to breathe. Ended up making myself dizzy. And i kept getting told off for growling! Lol. Helped me though.
My birth plan went out the window. I opted for just gas and air, pethidine if necessary. I hated the gas and air so gave it up. They gave me pethidine but far too late that she was here before it even had chance to kick in. I always said no epidural, but i begged for everything! They wouldn't give me one though!
I don't think I can offer any advice other than trust your own instincts and you own body. I say this as the mw's kept telling me that I wasn't having contractions and would not call my DH. They finally called him when I demanded they check me and they found that I was ready to push. Hubby only just made the birth with minutes to spare. xxx
i didnt have a labour so Im just as experienced as you :rotfl: :rotfl:

What I will saythough is stand yor ground and dont keep quiet about what you want. I honestly believe the only reason i got what I wanted in hospital was because i cried because i was so upset and tired etc. If I had known this before I would have turned on the waterworks well before lol :rotfl:

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