Call from Docs this morning...... **Updated 1st page**


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Morning all

I had my 17 week MW appointment last week and because I was too late to have my bloods done before 12 weeks I had those bloods and my screening bloods all at the same time.

I've had a call this morning saying the doctor wants to see me this afternoon about the results...... :( They wouldn't tell me anything else on the phone.

Do you think I should be worried or is this normal???

I'm probably just being a worrywort again!!!

** Well panic over...... I'm anemic!!! As if they couldn't have said something on the phone to save me a day of worrying!! :x

Anyway.... I've got to take iron tablets for a bit and then I'll have to have another blood test to see how I'm getting on and take things from there. There's not really any danger to the baby unless I get really anemic but hopefully the tablets should help with my tiredness and dizzy spells.

thanks for all your warm wishes ladies..

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun, sounds like you need some :hug: I'd be a worrywort too if they did this, doctors sure know how to raise our blood pressure :wall:

Easier said than done but try not to worry too much and I hope the appointment goes ok for you this afternoon. What time have you to go in? I'm sure it'll just be something easily resolved like that you're anaemic or perhaps your blood is negative rhesus and they want to discuss the implications with you.

Hope it goes ok, will be thinking of you. :hug:

Sarah x
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry too much. Mine wouldn't tell me anything yet all it was was low iron levels! It's mean isn't it! I'm sure all is well xxxx :hug: :hug:

Hope all goes well and try not to worry too much.

Take care


Iv got to go and get mine today after somehow completely forgeting i hd an app on friday, scared to ring and ask not only becsu of what they might say, but because midwife gets pissy with me, im pregnant and forgetful and i cant help it lady !!!

Hope everything goes ok for ya hun :) :hug:
Cheers ladies...... I've got a feeling i'm going to be anemic.

I've been reading up on it this morning and I have been getting everything that low iron levels can make so I'm hoping that is what it is.

My appointment isn't until 3:45 so I'll let you all know how I get on when I get home
Good luck! If it is that your anemic thats easily sorted with iron tablets :hug:
I am sure everything is fine but good luck for later :hug:
oh hun - they do know how to make us worry :hug: im sure all will be fine and i agree with the other ladies, its more than likely that your anemic!!

good luck hun :hug:
Pleased everything is ok Chrissy.

I dont know why they couldn't tell you that over the phone, i know they have their rules and everything but god anyone would panic when they say they need to see you but wont say why :x

glittergirl said:
Pleased everything is ok Chrissy.

Have i missed something? Do we know what the docs said?

Claire x
Phew I started to panic for you when I read the first bit of your post. You must have been so worried all day :hug:

Glad the news is not too serious, it just means you need to look after yourself and that your OH must spoil you ;) Hope the iron tablets kick in soon for you - your bubs must be stealing all your iron at the moment :D
I think it's just procedure that they have to call you in for the results, very worrying for you though in the meantime.

Hope the iron tablets kick in for you quickly. Drink plenty of water as they can make you constipated :(
Yeah Chrissy has updated in her 1st post


DOH.. so she has!! The title says it all!!

Chrissy.. glad its not too serious. i was anaemic for a few months last year due to my crohns and had to take iron tablets.. Just to warn you your poo will be black and you may get slightly constipated. Lots of water!!

Claire x
Aww hun! I'm sorry you had a stressful day :hug: I'm glad everything was ok. You'll probably have bags of energy with these new tablets and feel MUCH better :cheer: That's definitely something to look forward to :D xx
I am so sorry that you had to spend all day worrying, I hope that the tablets start working soon for you hun :hug:


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