

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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How has everyone been managing to limit caffeine? I've just been avoiding it completely but I'm so tired a nice cuppa would go down really well!!! :coffee: x
I actually went off coffee a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant, so it was easy for me! Now I have one a day if I want one (usually a mocha or something).

I think one a day is fine!
Have limited myself to 1 coffee a day but being bad I am drinking decaff tea instead of the hard normal stuff lol x
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I'm stil drinking tea. I drink 1 in the morning and 1 before bed.

I'm a total caffeine junkie...but there's hope! Here's some info I found a while back....

The Food Standard's Agency recommends pregnant women not to have more than 200mg caffeine per day.
• 1 mug of instant coffee = 100mg
• 1 cup of instant coffee = 75mg
• 1 cup of brewed coffee = 100mg
• 1 small cup of cappucino = 75mg
• 1 single espresso = 75mg
• 1 cup of tea = 50mg
• 1 can of cola = 40mg
• 1 can of "energy" drink = 80mg
• 1 x 50g bar of plain chocolate = up to 50mg
• 1 x 50g bar of milk chocolate = up to 25mg
Wow...I had no idea there was so much caffeine in chocolate!!! I never even thought to check! Good job I have been laying off the tea!!!x
I've been allowing myself 1 caffienated cup a day - and the rest de-caff :D

Be careful of decaff - some brands remove the caffeine with really nasty chemicals like formaldehyde which then stay in the coffee, others (the organic ones usually) do it just with water. In moderation it's probably no problem but you wouldnt want to drink loads of it every day!
I don't tend to drink coffee anyway - just de-caff tea, is this the same??

Teas done in much the same way - if you're drinking lots I'd probably go organic :)
I have been having 1 cup of tea and some days a cup of coffee too... and then having some of those instant horlicks thingys...

when i was pregnant with my little girl i had no tea or coffee at all and switched to green tea completely thinking it was caffiene free - then i found out that green tea has more caffiene in it than regular coffee!!! doh! all was ok though!
oh no I have been drinking decaff tea!!!!
I have about 2 or 3 cups a day sometimes only 1
Do you think that is too much - I thought I was being good drinking decaff!!! :(
Ive been limiting myself to 2 cups of tea, i used to drink 3 energy drinks a day and got quite addicted but cut them out totally
Ive been drinking decaff tea since i found out I was pregnant, along with decaffinated coke as an alternative. I can drink between 4-6 cups of tea a day. Baby is doing fine and growing as he should. I think youd have to drink it in copious amounts to do any damage
I actually went off coffee a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant, so it was easy for me! Now I have one a day if I want one (usually a mocha or something).

I think one a day is fine!

I've gone off coffee too. Makes me feel really sick.
I have one caffeinated drink a day.
Ive gone off both coffee and tea, so im finding it pretty easy x x

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With my first son aıa didnt realise there was problems with caffeine and was addicted to energy drinks for the first 5 months and drank at least 5 cups of tea a day! thankfully no problems. Now I barely drink tea, I dont like coffee although Im having to cut down on cola.
Two coffees in the morning for me.. but have quit my Diet Coke habit almost completely. Not bad as I was on about 4 cans a day :)
Was easy to do.. just don't fancy it anymore! If only I could say the same for the damn cigarettes :( xxx
Ah fallingstar...I have a raging diet coke habit and haven't had any for weeks! I am missing it though...the caffeine free one just isn't the same!!! How are you getting on with the ciggies??xx

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