caffeine/alcohol whilst TTC - do you or don't you?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Well, I've been doing my reading - and apparently you should avoid caffeine and alcohol whilst TTC, as well as whilst pregnant.

I wouldn't have a problem giving up whilst pregnant - but I don't think I'd be able to do without a latte or a glass of wine for however many months it'll take to conceive. Just wondered how seriously everyone else follows these guidelines? At the moment (on cycle 3 of TTC), I'm down to three coffees a week (from three a day), and not drinking from CD5 - but as soon as AF starts, I open a bottle of wine. Well, there's always an upside if you search hard enough :wink: :twisted:
no caffeine - gave that up at the beginning - I still have cappuccinos, coffees lattes etc - just decaf

usually I only drink when AF is here although I did have a few last weekend :wink:
I gave up alcohol and caffeine when we first started TTC, after over a year with no success and now known fertility problems I have decided to let myself enjoy my life while i can.

you always hear of people who get preggers while drunk!
Easy one for me.. I dn't drink caffeine anyway and hardly ever drink to start alcohol to start with.
I don't drink coffee anyway but when I was ttc the first few months I stopped drinking alcohol but then I went out with friends and really let myself go and that was the month that I fell !!! Good Luck x :pray:
I'm kind of off the caffeine anyway but when TTC I usually drink upto and including OV but then stop. I might add that I really don't drink much these days even when I do though (and then maybe only two nights a week). Two double whiskeys and I'm asleep and if I have 2 big glasses of wine OR a pint and a half of cider and I'm quite tipsy and I regret it the next day. Not like my student days but then that's probably a very good thing!

I used to drink a bottle of cola a day now i have less than a can a week. Used to drink a lot of wine but have 1/2 a bottle a month :D
I never drink caffeine anyway, it is very bad for you whether you are TTC, pregnant or none of the above.
I still had the occassional drink now and again, in fact, me and hubby drank copius amounts of red wine on our anniversary weekend away in July, and that was the weekend we concieved. I am sure being relaxed helped things along...but I am not a doc, don't quote me :D
this sounds much more reassuring! :lol:

Just read the Zita West book and she advises no caffeine or alcohol for either partner for 4 months before even starting to try. If I suggested that to my husband, we wouldn't be worrying about TTC, we'd be filing for divorce!

If in 6 months' time we haven't conceived, and I'm told that it's the eight glasses of wine that I drink during my period each month that are the cause, I'd cut them out.
I'm tee-total because i find the taste of alcohol disgusting but i do drink coffee. Cut down from six cups a day to one every other day. My dr told me that it was ok for my partner to drink a little coffee as the caffeine has been known to stimulate the sperm. :think:
I gave up nothing whilst TTC Isaac and we were pregnant within 6wks, I believed it would be quick that's why I got my last puffs of smoke and drams of whiskey in fast :lol:
This time round I no longer drink alcohol, but still drink Coca-Cola, it's my addiction and no way can I give it up but have cut down slightly :D
I believe many a baby was conceived during a relaxed and alcohol flowing evening, if you can cut down or cut out and it not bother you then fine, but if it stresses you out that could do more damage whilst TTC, I believe anyway, very best wishes :hug:
I chose gave up but in fact i didn't drink any of the above before we were TTC so didn't have to give up anything.

Wishing all you ladies BFP's ASAP x x x
I usually drink decaf coffe anyway but do have the occasional "real coffee".

Before TTC I didnt drink much alcohol because I was rtying to lose a bit of weight but then when we started trying I packed in the diet regime and started eating & drinking what I wanted. It took the pressure off me and I found it helped me to relax. I probably drank more in the 3 months TTC than what I had in the last 9 months prior.

Now that I have my BFP alcohol is trictly off limits but I do still have the odd real coffee every now and then.
hey all :wave:
i have decaff coffee/ coke and i only have few glasses of wine before ov then none after until AF appears. i read that its good for oh to drink coffee as it gets the spermies all jiggy and excited ?? :lol: xx

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