sonia205 said:
lauramum01 said:
Knowing again this time that its a section is fine with me. I know what to expect and my birth experience will be what I make it and it will be nothing short of amazing for me.
How do you know its a section this time? Are you going to opt for it?
Was ur emergency done under General ?
Alot of women opt for one after they have had one, but for some like myself caesareans are just an operation, and many women like myself, are never happy til they have experiened labour pains ect...
I am 99% sure its a section this time because of the consultants fears about the size of the baby and the size of my pelvis. Im pretty small and my last baby was 9lb 3. To cut a story short it ended in an emergency c section. This time they have said that at best, with vbac I would have to stay on the bed wired up to god knows what. I had ideas about a very natural birth and was told that wouldnt be an option so im opting for my c section. Im happy about it

Im not bothered about missing out on the pains of labour and sure ive acomplished something, ive carried my baby around for 9 months and now the baby is coming out. How its coming out doesnt bother me and It didnt affect the bonding process or anything. My husband is 100% behind this.