Caesars vs normal delivery

lauramum01 said:
Knowing again this time that its a section is fine with me. I know what to expect and my birth experience will be what I make it and it will be nothing short of amazing for me.

How do you know its a section this time? Are you going to opt for it?
Was ur emergency done under General ?
Alot of women opt for one after they have had one, but for some like myself caesareans are just an operation, and many women like myself, are never happy til they have experiened labour pains ect... :D
I had an emergency c-section last time and now i think i defiently want to try for a VBAC next time! (not TTC just yet though!) been thinking about it for ages and theres no way i want to go through a c-section, i want to actually experience giving birth to my baby.
The last time was so traumatic and not what i wanted at all, baby was whisked out and took to SCBU (he was swelled up due to being face down and they were worried about his airways swelling) he was born at 12.17 and i didnt see him untill 5.00 that evening, i wasnt the first to hold him, feed him etc and this really upset me. Next time i want it completely different!!!! right thats it mind made up.... VBAC for me next time!!!!! lol
Thanks Sonia youve made me decide!!!! LOL
see my thread on VBAC... ... hp?t=11367
sonia205 said:
yes well said !!
It is amazing, after my section i didnt feel like i had accomplished anything, it wasnt giving birth it was an operation, and to many women thats all a caesarean is, its an op.

Thats exactly how i felt!! :(
sonia205 said:
lauramum01 said:
Knowing again this time that its a section is fine with me. I know what to expect and my birth experience will be what I make it and it will be nothing short of amazing for me.

How do you know its a section this time? Are you going to opt for it?
Was ur emergency done under General ?
Alot of women opt for one after they have had one, but for some like myself caesareans are just an operation, and many women like myself, are never happy til they have experiened labour pains ect... :D

I am 99% sure its a section this time because of the consultants fears about the size of the baby and the size of my pelvis. Im pretty small and my last baby was 9lb 3. To cut a story short it ended in an emergency c section. This time they have said that at best, with vbac I would have to stay on the bed wired up to god knows what. I had ideas about a very natural birth and was told that wouldnt be an option so im opting for my c section. Im happy about it :D Im not bothered about missing out on the pains of labour and sure ive acomplished something, ive carried my baby around for 9 months and now the baby is coming out. How its coming out doesnt bother me and It didnt affect the bonding process or anything. My husband is 100% behind this.
lauramum01 said:
sonia205 said:
lauramum01 said:
Knowing again this time that its a section is fine with me. I know what to expect and my birth experience will be what I make it and it will be nothing short of amazing for me.

How do you know its a section this time? Are you going to opt for it?
Was ur emergency done under General ?
Alot of women opt for one after they have had one, but for some like myself caesareans are just an operation, and many women like myself, are never happy til they have experiened labour pains ect... :D

I am 99% sure its a section this time because of the consultants fears about the size of the baby and the size of my pelvis. Im pretty small and my last baby was 9lb 3. To cut a story short it ended in an emergency c section. This time they have said that at best, with vbac I would have to stay on the bed wired up to god knows what. I had ideas about a very natural birth and was told that wouldnt be an option so im opting for my c section. Im happy about it :D Im not bothered about missing out on the pains of labour and sure ive acomplished something, ive carried my baby around for 9 months and now the baby is coming out. How its coming out doesnt bother me and It didnt affect the bonding process or anything. My husband is 100% behind this.

as for beeing told that wasnt an option, that is typical of the NHS. its ur choice not theres. they wud prefer to wire u up past 3cm for continuous monitoring, but its your desision not theirs.
As a VBAC mother, i know all about the dirty tricks they pull to get us to do what they want and whats easier for them. As for baby size, wow what a porker!! :shock:
but as for them telling you this baby will be big, im sorry but i hold no faith in there sizing b abies, twice they have told me the complete opposite to what my babys were, my first was supposed to be a good 8-9lb, he was born alot smaller than average, beeing 5lb 9oz, and james was estimated to be small and he was average weight born, 7lb 8oz.
You go for what you want, but dont be bullied into it because they are using words, think to yourself if its true, you can feel the baby you will be a better judge of charactor as to the size of your baby!
stephlw25 said:
Next time i want it completely different!!!! right thats it mind made up.... VBAC for me next time!!!!! lol
Thanks Sonia youve made me decide!!!! LOL
see my thread on VBAC... ... hp?t=11367

I am so pleased for you babs, i have added you to my msn contacts if you would like some support in acheiving this, good luck and i wish you all the best, please do keep in contact id like to be of any help if i can,
XX-xx-XX 8) :) :)

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