Arianna is poorly :( BACK FROM G-MEDS AGAIN!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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She has been fine today and then I gave her her dinner tonight and she wasnt really eating it, just playing, then she started wingeing. She came over for a cuddle asking for her bath and bed, she was burning up (not sure of exact temp as I cant find my thermometer :wall: ) and her voice is all croaky and her nose is sniffly :(

She has had her bath and is in her pj's laying next to me on the sofa now, still wingeing :(

I have gave her some Calpol for just now... I have a horrid feeling she is getting tonsilitus again as last time she had it it came on really sudden and the same symptoms :(

Gonna try to get an appointment in the morning.
Oh no! Poorly Arianna! Hope you both have an okay night and that you get something at the docs tomorrow.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh poor darling, theres so many colds and bugs going round Hayden still has his cold :(
Its miserable when they are sick..hope she feels better soon and hope it isnt tonsilitus! big hugs for you both :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well, we ended up going to the G-Docs last night at 2am as she was really high temp which calpol wasn't taking down :( Turns out I was right and she has Tonsilitus again :( :( 2nd time in 6mths :( :(

We were given some penicillian and told to contunue with the Calpol (and Nurifen if needed)

The poor toot is just worn out today, she is completely white and pale apart from her bright red cheeks when her temp goes back up, her eyes are full and heavy looking.
And she will doesnt want to eat anything, think it must hurt :( so away to make a pot of soup to try her on that.
oh bless her, i really hope the penicilin kicks in soon and she starts to feel better
poor baby! get well soon darling! in the meantime snuggle up with mummy under a duvet n watch a dvd xx
Think I am gonna have to take her back to the out of hours docs :( I'm waiting for NHS24 to call me back, but she was sleeping then she got up and was sick and now she is burning up again :(
NHS 24 called me back, have to go down for 11pm... will let you all know how we get on once home
Oh the poor wee sausage :( Fingers crossed they will give her something to make her better hun :hug:
Well, just back from the g-meds. Was told it was just a case of continuing what I am doing with alternating the Calpol and Nurifen every 2hrs and give her her penicillian along with the Nurifen. The doctor said that the it was just the tonsilitus taking proper hold that was causing the fever... which was measured at 39.2c :( He also said that the fever will probably continue into tomorrow evening so just to keep a close eye on her and give her plenty fluids.

She fell asleep on the way home so she I just placed her in my bed so I can keep a proper eye on her.

I asked him about taking her tonsills out and he said on the NHS (all down to cost!) they would say to leave them just now... on private he said the doctors would say to wait until she gets it another time in a short space of time before we decide.... so just have to wait and pray she doent get it again :pray:


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