Caesars vs normal delivery

ive had a cycst removed from my ovary which resulted in a big c-section like scar and then I had a emergency section and they went in through the same scar. The first op was sore for a wee while but the 2d time with the section it was okay and I have no hesitations in going for a section with baby number 2. This baby will be a big one again so ive come to terms with the fact I wont have a natural birth.

Mine still hurts from time to time too and has no feeling in the area :(
I agree with whata few ladies have said here about not beeing able to just ask for a caesarean section. You have to have a medical reason for it to be done.

Petchy about this friend having stabbing pains 2 years on, i think personally this should be cheaked out, it shouldnt hurt for that long, 2 years is a long time, makes me wonder weather they left something in for it still hurts..??

And as for staying in hospital longer, that only happens if you dont discharge yourself sooner. A day after my caesarean i discharged myself.

Personally for me and alot of women a caesaren is a LAST CHOICE, and resort.
Having a caesarean causes ALOT more problems both mentally, physically and clinically.
A caesarean is MAJOR surgery, and along with the lifetime scar youll have, there is other associated risks.

A caesarean is very traumatic for a baby, beeing pulled out esp when its elective and mum hasnt even gone into labour naturally.
Baby is at risk more to not breathing straight away and not having a good agpar score. Some babies will need special care aswell.

Why would any woman not want to labour and birth naturally if everything is ok and well?? It does not make sense.
Please remember that caesareans are under spinal anethetic and although you cant feel it you can still feel the tugging sensations.

So what ur friends had bad experiences, speaking FROM experience My first born was a caesarean electivly because of breech presentation and low fluid levels and to be honest that is the worst pain i have ever experienced.
It was under general anethetic for my personal reasons and to be honest it really depressed me.
Having the caesarean made me feel like i had cheated birth, i didnt get that rush of love because of the pain and the element in my mind that he wasnt really mine.
Further to that i believe i suffered from PND til i had my second baby, 11 june 2006 and this birth was a Vaginal birth after caesarean, he was born at home where i wanted to be and with just gas and air as pain relief.
Labour and birth isnt as bad as alot of people make out.
yes it hurt i wont lie and say it didnt but until the end its not that painful at all.
After this birth anyway i feel so happy i could cry, i got to give birth to my baby it wasnt just an operation, and i got that rush of love that i didnt have with Duncan.

So there you go i have been honest with my feelings on this subject and please dont pick a caesarean just because its easier youll never forgive yourself after if you too suffer from the PND i suffered and believe that its just an operation you did nothing apart from carry the baby.

Its your baby and your choice i know, but look into this further on a google search and bbc news sites, they will tell you and inform you further.

-xx-xx---Good luck ---xx-xx
It's each mother's choice what they have and I think C-Sections should only be under-taken if there is a specific reason to do so
MomNat said:
It's each mother's choice what they have and I think C-Sections should only be under-taken if there is a specific reason to do so

I agree. They were going to give me one but I pushed the sucker out :D
Plus my mum was there having a moan at me everytime they mentioned a c-section lol

You are said to get your shape back better if you have a natural birth, your tummy goes in quicker. That was true for last time, but im very doubtful this time around.
and wat was tht about nhs doin a tummy tuck with a caesarean , tht sounds like complete bull crap to me.
sonia205 said:
and wat was tht about nhs doin a tummy tuck with a caesarean , tht sounds like complete bull crap to me.

their going to do what??? :shock:

Can I be first in line! :D

I really wish thats true hehe... erm not that I would go for that of course :angel: (I lie I probably would, get rid of all those stretch marks)
When I was pg I went to the doctors crying my eyes out because I was terrified of giving birth and secretly I wanted a c-section (with a general anaesthetic) but didn't have the guts to ask. By the end of the pregnancy and especially as I was well overdue I was totally ready to get Isaac out whatever it took!

I was taken to theatre for a c-section but they had a try with forceps and out Isaac popped. I was very sore afterwards but on the ward the c-section ladies looked alot more uncomfortable than me and were being given morphine whereas I just had paracetamol!

I would like to ask some questions about labour before I do it again. Like why Isaac went back to back so I couldn't push him all the way out and if I could have prevented it and also why Isaac was distressed and poohed everywhere when he came out. Maybe a c-section would be best for my next baby?

Lou :)
I had a normal vaginal birth and it was the BEST experience of my life, it was hard work but worth it and so rewarding, i felt so proud of myself afterwards! Id agree to a c-section as a very last resort and do everything to avoid it. I dont understand why all these celebrities pay for c-secs?!?
One thing when I was pg I knew that I didnt want an epidural or a c-sec and I didnt! so I was happy! :D
Lauz_1601 said:
I had a normal vaginal birth and it was the BEST experience of my life, Id agree to a c-section as a very last resort and do everything to avoid it. I dont understand why all these celebrities pay for c-secs?!?

I quite agree, who wud pay to inflict a more painful, traumatic birth experience when you can do it all natural for free!!!

Good point there u raised, i personally think some women want it as a status issue, "too posh to push" And then you get the women who cant b bothered.

Whilst I agree about c-sections being more difficult etc I think we need to remember that there are women out there who have had to have c sections for all sorts of reasons, and that for them the birth was just as special and rewarding. :D
I had to have a caesarean, i am simply sayin that for women its not preferred way of giving birth and i really dont understand why some women want to choose it!!!???!?!? :| :| :| :?: :!: :think: :think: :think:
I understood what you put, I just feel that there are so many reasons for opting to have a c-section, phobia about giving birth, previous c sectons etc.
yeah i guess.
Well i hope that all the ladies reading this post who just wasnt a caesarean section are thinking hard about what is natural and what they should choose.
Some women need to know that caesarean sections are not esaier to cope with than natural birth.
I mean after my caesarean i couldnt do anything for myself, my poor husband was ven havin to wipe my butt everytime i went to the loo, poor him :shakehead: :shakehead: This time, i could do everything straight aftser, which is great, ok he needed to help me up off the loo at times cos of the tare, but least he wasnt wipin my butt again !! (really embarrased) :doh:

I understand that sometimes theres no avoiding a c-section and its still a special experience, no matter how ur baby enters in the world its always going to be a special moment. but its a shame if people have an elective c-sec when there capable of having a natural birth becuase they are missing out on such a natural amazing expericnece and seeing just what our bodies are capable of doing! I want to (and one day will) be a midwife, so I think thats another reason why I really really wanted to experince natural child birth.
Lauz, was it a caesarean for you aswell? Was it emergency??
Poor you.
I agree, tho, cos after my last birth i was like, wow that head came out of there, WOW, it is truely amazing, ill agree to that !!!
well said :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
no I had a natural birth, sorry I worded it a bit wrong, I really wanted a natural birth when I was pg, and thats what I got :-)
Afterwards you look at this little bundle but think how on earth did you come out! lol, its amazing what us women can do!
yes well said !!
It is amazing, after my section i didnt feel like i had accomplished anything, it wasnt giving birth it was an operation, and to many women thats all a caesarean is, its an op.
Natural birth is far better, for one my hubby thinks so, (not havin to wipe arse ths time ) lol :dance: :dance: :D :D :D
lol I dont think my OH wud wipe my backside lol, I cant imagine it hehe
Despite my birth being an emergency c section I dont to this day feel I have missed out on anything. I dont do regrets and just go with what was required at the time. I feel my positive attitude helped in the recovery process and I healed quick and was up an about in no time. I think having had an op previously and having had the time to recover without a baby probably gave me the knowledge that it wasnt too bad.

Knowing again this time that its a section is fine with me. I know what to expect and my birth experience will be what I make it and it will be nothing short of amazing for me.

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