C Sections..


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hiya Ladies

Im from 2nd Tri, just wanted to ask a Q

Any of you had previous caesareans ?

Ive had 3 previous C sections, saw my consultant today who pretty much scared me to death abotu having my 4th [no other way it could come out!]....so just wondering if any of you have had more than 1?

thx !
Ive had 2. My babies were 26 months apart. But it was the third opening because I had a cycst removed and they made a huge scar which they opened for my first section and reopened for my 2nd. They cut the scar away though so I have a neater scar. My stomach is so saggy though that no one is ever going to see it hahaha.
I've had 3 sections and had to be sterilised during the last one - my uterus couldn't handle another pregnancy. Davina has also had 3. I'm sure she'll be along soon but just in case she isn't, they told her to wait a while after the last one before considering getting PG again, but they didn't say never again.

If having another was going to cause you huge problems, they'd have told you during / after your last section.
I watched that programme last night about the Duggers with the 16 kids. She had only had 2 sections and birth 16 was a vbac. She must have a chuff like god knows what though. Imagine carrying and squeezing out that many kids. I wonder if she does her pelvic floor exercises.
my pelvic floor was buggered after pushing one out. She probably opens her legs to get the baby in there, then again to let it out - no pushing required
Her poor man must tie a plank to his arse so he doesn't fall in :puke:

I tihnk the saying you were looking for Laura was " A chuff like a wizards sleeve" :lol:
16 kids :shock:

Crikey, that must be like throwing a sausage up Downing Street! :puke:

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