C section


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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What i was wanting to know i know its a bit early to ask this type of question just now, but can you ask for a c section instead of any other type of birth ?
erm i dont think you can as its major surgery plus they only do it for medical reason if your baby needs to come out but if you have had one b4 i think you then have the options but most docs dont recommend it unless it is nessasary to have one
I cant understand why anyone would electively have a C-section - mine was an emergency and I would never recommend one. They virtually cut you in half - the recovery is 5-6 weeks. Breastfeeding can be difficult after one and there are so many more risks to your life than a normal birth!
I agree rosies mummy, this is my first, but with my sis my mum had to have one for med reasons, and oh my word she was so poorly and so frustrated. She wanted to be up and about with my sis feedin and changin and what not, but she was so sore for weeks she use to get so upset. And she felt like it effected there bond at first.

I may need a c section and i am gutted, i have 3 young children(4, 2, 9 months) so need to be home as soon as i can. I wouldn't opt for c section if we all had a choice. Can i ask why you want one? are you scared of the birth? It hurts like hell but so natural, my first birth was really bad the other 2 were ok.... still hurt but would love to do it again. x
I agree rosies mummy, this is my first, but with my sis my mum had to have one for med reasons, and oh my word she was so poorly and so frustrated. She wanted to be up and about with my sis feedin and changin and what not, but she was so sore for weeks she use to get so upset. And she felt like it effected there bond at first.


I agree, it definitely hampered my bonding with Rosie; I couldnt have her skin to skin, I could hardly hold her as I was so weak and I spent ages without being able to cuddle her or hold her. It still upsets me now :shakehead:
Its really not a good option unless you need it. Of course if the doctors decide its safest for you and baby then go for it but really not a good plan to control you anxiety, it must be pretty scary being awake during major surgery. Maybe you could watch a few birth videos on youtube. I did that, the more medicalised they are the more scary they look actually. And the water births look amazing. Im not sure a doctor would agree to do one actually unless you need it or can afford to goprivate?
I am scared of giving birth and have heard some real horror stories but I keep thinking that if millions of women have done it before me then I should be able to do it too!
Hi Annie - you'll be fine we all worry, but i really enjoyed my labours and birth concentrating on each contraction with the excitment that each one would bring me closer to my baby, have to be fair the novelty had worn off slightly by number three as it was sooo much longer than the second - but after a six year break i can't wait to go through the whole labour and birth again!!! Have my sister and OH coming this time for extra support, so can't wait!
I would recommend Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth - FORGET all the stories you have heard about childbirth, women are conditioned into thinking childbirth is TERRIBLE. Focus on yourself and anyone wants to tell you their horror story? Tell them you aren't interested. I got to 8cms with Rosie, the contractions were bad but I coped with them, your body does it - it is painful but its not a pain that is going to hurt or harm you. Give yourself every chance you can for a natural birth, seriously, that book is amazing :)
Rosie's mummy Im gonna ring you for a pep talk on my way to delivery suite!!! Im getting that book out of the library too :)
Will do lots of reading to ensure I'm in the right frame of mind- thanks for the advice about the book!
Rosie's mum hit the nail on the head. Your body was made for this. The only thing to fear is fear itself. :)
thanks for all the replys people

i understand what everyone is saying 100 percent. Only reason i would want this is 2 save the whole pain of going threw birth i am terrified. I was thinking of epidural but even at that the needles is supposed to be massive. I am ok the now because i am early on in my pregnancy but as i go further along i will be terrified of giving birth :(x:shock:
I have to say it is the most beautiful thing you will ever go through :)

I wanted pain or stronger pain because with each I got closer to holding my baby..xx
I have to say it is the most beautiful thing you will ever go through :)

I wanted pain or stronger pain because with each I got closer to holding my baby..xx

yeah very true am just a big softy when it comes to pain lol
but am sure i can deal with it everyone women goes through it lol
Rosie's mummy Im gonna ring you for a pep talk on my way to delivery suite!!! Im getting that book out of the library too :)

Ina May Gaskin also has a book called Spiritual Midwifery; Im going to get that too. The more I read of her Guide to Childbirth the more confident I feel about my birth and I know I will be able to deal with it without drugs, its a case of mind over matter - yes its going to hurt and Im not being naive about it as Ive been there before; im not ruling out that I won't ask for pain relief but I'll cross that bridge when I get there, one thing though, it will only be gas and air - no drugs are going to stand in my way of feeling and being close to my baby immediately - and I dont want baby sleeping for hours on end because he/she has a system full of drugs. I might eat all of my words but Im giving myself every chance of a natural birth, this is going to be my last chance at having a baby and I want it to be as special as I can. :thumbup:
thanks for all the replys people

i understand what everyone is saying 100 percent. Only reason i would want this is 2 save the whole pain of going threw birth i am terrified. I was thinking of epidural but even at that the needles is supposed to be massive. I am ok the now because i am early on in my pregnancy but as i go further along i will be terrified of giving birth :(x:shock:

Hun you have to have an epidural to have a c-section. To be honest the epidural scares the c**p out of me! a needle, going into your SPINE, it just doesnt seem right to me! And its not just that cos you need to be closely monitored so you and beby get wired up to monitors cos you might not be able to feel if something is wrong or how far apart your contractions are. You have to have a drip to keep your blood pressure stable cos epidural can affect it, and then you have to have a catheter cos you can feel your bladder anymore to pee. On top of all that you cant walk so you spend the entire labour on your back not moving, which slows it right down. But the worst part that convinced me I didnt want one, was that by the time you come to push, they let it wear off so you still feel that bit, and to be honest I think its better to feel it gradually build up than suddenly go from no feeling to intense pain.

Im so definate I dont want one (unless I need a c-section obviously!) but I am still really scared like you. Its my first and I dont know what it will feel like. But Im also really scared of all the medical intervention, and Im freaking out at the thought of not being able to move around. I read a website about hypnobirthing and it looks so inspirational, have you looked on youtube at birthing videos yet? You need to do everything you can to feel more confident, the more scared you are the harder you'll make it for yourself.
this thread has made me feel ace bout monday!! whoops i shouldnt have read lol!! :shock::shock: xxx
You'll be fine Lisa, honestly trust me :hug:

As for the epidural, I never had one during labour but needed a spinal to go to theatre after one of my births. It was easy and painless :)

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