C-section question


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I do not know for sure yet but the midwife thinks my baby could have turned breech at last minute and i am going for a scan on thursday to find out so as i will be 39+1 then if baby is breech i will be booked in or a C-section quite quickly. Just want to get my head around it a little bit incase it does happen!

I am really scared about it as it is very unexpected. Just wanted to ask those of you who have been through this how long is it before you can do things for yourself "normally" again? Is it harder being there for your baby because of the pain etc??

Any advice or ressurance would be very welcome! Thanks

im not gonna lie the pain is very strong and getting in and out of bed or a seat is the worst, but in terms of looking after you new baby dont worry hunny your motherly instint will take over and you will get through it all being well a coulpe of weeks and you hopefully start feeling yourself again.
Ive had 2 sections, and i wont lie either, the pain is imense and you will cry a few times because of it, i dont wanna scare you, but you will have all the help and support you need to get around, to get bck to normal it takes around 4-6 weeks before feeling fully fit again.. do you drive, because that will go out the window for 6 weeks,,,

but hun please dont worry unless you know for sure your having one, if you read what everyone else puts youy'll be getting yourself worked up !

hope lo turns and you can have the birth you want!

good luck hun, keep us informed! :hug: :hug:
I have had two sections and I have to say that the second time was marginally worse that the first but neither of them were particularly e painful. With my first section I was in hospial 5 days and with my second one 2 including the day he was delivered.
The one thing I would say is if you are offered painkillers take them.I decided I didn't need them the second time around I suffered with really bad back ache the day after until I had some but I think that was because things were sorting themselves out inside.(That was the only pain I had).
One thing I would say is don't be tempted to stay sat or lay down because you are frightened of moving. I made sure I walked around a little bit throughout the day-it doesn't have to be for miles just enough to keep you mobile. I also have to say that after both my sections I was so happy about having lovely healthy babies that I didn't really think about whether or not I was in pain.

Good Luck
I had a section with Tom and it was virtually pain-free.
I was given strong painkillers in hospital for the 24 hours after the section and after that I didn't need anything.
We were home after 4 days and I was lifting Tom (carefully) and bending (carefully) with no problems at all.
I was driving again after 2 weeks.
Really, it was a breeze. Different people have different experiences and, after all, it is major surgery but I didn't have any problems at all.
i have had 2 sections - 1 emergency/ 1 elective and will have another elective - that should tell you how i feel - they are grand - discomfort/tender but not PAIN - paracetamol was ample for the first few days - i was up and walking around as soon as the anesthetic wore off - most difficult was turning in bed - you need to move slowly/carefully but nothing too bad. the physio in the hospital taught me to lie flat in bed - bed knees up and gently sway them from side to side before trying to get up/turn - it really helped. Hope this has reassured you - good luck
I had C Section Sat evening @ 8.30pm and was out of bed at 6am next morning and walking around...take all the painkillers they give you and be very gentle with yourself. I am a wimp and I coped ok. I got an infection in my scar after a few days so I felt ill for the first few weeks, but other than that (and I am sure i was due to doing too much too soon) my C section was a very happy experience, it was wonderful and I have nothing but happy memories of the whole experience (I had a failed induction and was taken for section after 36 hours on labour ward).
Thanks for your replies! it helps to hear some real life experiences :)

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