C section booked


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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So spent all morning at hosp. Confirmed baby is still breech, which we already knew.

Really tried to talk me into ecv and I had to fight back the tears. C section is the last thing I wanted, but I'm so uncomfortable with the ecv procedure I had to stay strong.

Then they go thru all the risks of a section.... Feel really upset about the whole situation, it's not what I wanted, but I feel I've defiantly made the right decision for baby, I just felt judged inthere!!

Bit pointless but just wanted a moan....
whatever you think is best, is the best for you x x x
there is always hope that the baby will turn alone at some point, it cna even happen while you get in labor so dont panic yet. :hug:

And am i the only one who actually wants a c-section lol???unfortunately here in Norway you rarely get a c-section....
I had to have a c-section as they discovered at 39weeks that LO was a footling breech. It wasnt what I wanted either but it was fine and it was the safest thing for the baby which to me was the most important thing. Although I wasnt really offered ecv because I was so far along they said it probably wouldnt work so I was actually pushed more towards the c-section.
A safe and healthy baby is the main thing to keep at the front of your mind.
I had an emergency c-section at 35 weeks, you will be fine! It's not the easiest thing to go through but as long as you have support you will get through it no problem hun!
Good luck with it all!
Thank you..... I've had a cry this aft, and now pulled myself together!!!

I'm sure I'll be a nervous wreck at the end of the next 2 weeks, but am positive I've made the right decision.

She just frightened me with all the risks, which I already knew of, but it's a bit different when someone's sat opposite you in scrubs!! Oh was great tho and he said there just standard things they have to go through, and that we'd made the right decision.
Hope everything goes well for you hun. I would have chosen the same thing in your position. My mum had an ECV with my younger brother and she said it was the most painful thing she has ever experienced, and then my brother turned again five minutes after, so she had to have a c-section anyway!

With only a 58%ish success rate, I wouldn't want to go through the pain...

I may have to make the decision myself in a few weeks if my LO doesn't turn, he's been breech for 6 weeks now, so I have my fingers crossed!

Good luck xx
Try not to worry, lots of women go through them and recover just fine, it's the safest option for breech and you never know baby could still turn, keep trying all the positions and things that might encourage baby to turn.
Thank you

Feel much better today now I have my thoughts straight.... I was so confused as to whether if made the right decision, but I know in my heart I have.

It's such a strange feeling knowing the day my baby is going to be born.... Considering it's normally such an unknown entity! Unless of course the little trouble maker turns, but think it's unlikely now.
So what is your date then?? We were due date buddies and now I'm all on my own.....lol
Hey you poor thing, glad you are feeling better though. I had a c-section at the last minute as my LO was in feotal distress and it all went fine, it really was ok I promise, I was given great care, they were lovely and the support was fab they looked after me really well with a csection and lets face it all labor is stressful all round. You will fine my lovely and not long now you will be home with your LO and all that will be behind you big hug xxx
Thank you for the reassurance.

I'm booked in for the 22nd so I've jumped forward a week and a bit..... You can have the date all to yourself now Tracey m!!!

It's a random feeling knowing when it's going to happen. And coming to bed tonight thinking this time in 2 weeks I'll be s******* myself!!! Very excited too tho!

It's a million miles away from what I wanted but feel positive now.....
Its great you feel positive now..... For some reason when I had Joshua I was adamant I did not want a c section but this time around I really dont care - if I need one then hey, I'm cool with it! Ohhhhh and just think you get to miss out the agony of labour! Lucky you!! I'll just have 31st August all by myself now..... :violin:
My daughter was also a missed breech, I went in to natural labour and had 5 hrs of contractions and still had a section!! She turned the night before so anything is possible.

Also it was nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be. Was great being looked after, you really do need to rest. Make sure you pack BIG pants that go over your scar and leggings or jogging bottoms as you won't be in jeans for a while. Slip on shoes are a must as well.
Good luck

Emma xxx

I was gona google what to pack as other than basic stuff in case I was trsfrd to hospital (was havin a home birth) I've not given it much thought. So thanks for the tips....leggins all the way for me then!!!
I ended up wearing my husbands boxer shorts as I just couldnt gethold of any knickers that would go over my scar...it was a good solution but youve got enough time to get some big pants x
Oh yes definately get some HUGE pants! Trust you won't care how they look! I ended up wearing them (obviously not the same ones) for about 4 weeks after as normal pants were too painful to wear!

Lynseysg good luck with the c-section!!

Could I ask why you are so against ecv? My baby is breech at the moment, and my mw discussed this with me today, but very briefly. Is it a risky procedure?
Ilove: I wdnt want to sway your judgement if u feel it's right for you.

My baby has been breach since about 28 weeks. I just feel the risks associated with ecv......such as placenta damage, distress to baby, poss brings on labour, and on avg only 58% success rate. I'm very uncomfortable with the process. They monitor the baby for 30 mins then try 3 times to turn it. And then monitor for a further 30 mins. So it's a very controlled procedure, and It works for somE who can then go on to have a natural birth. I just don't want my baby manipulating into a position it's not comfy in.

There's the added then worry of the cord etc, and I was planning a home birth so would have not then felt comfy at home. It just wasn't something I wanted to put the baby through.... But like I say it's personal and so it might be right for you at the time.

Hope this helps..... If you don't want it done be prepared to have to stick to your guns, they really presurised me into having it!

C section is the last thing I wanted, but the risks associated with that are more to do with me than the baby, and I therefore have chose that option.
Lynseysg thanks for your reply! I didn't know any of this.

Well done for sticking to your decision - I'm sure if a C-section feels like the right option for you, then it is!

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