Buying for baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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Im really excited about being pregnant and really want to start buying things. How long would you wait to start buying things??
I really want to start buyin little things like nappies. baby wipes, baby shampoo and nappie bags..... just the small things!
I dont want to start buying then something goes wrong. Ive seen babys heart beat but there is still a little bit of worry at the back of my mind?! xx
i was like you i couldnt wait to start buying things! i waited til i was about 16 weeks until i started as i didnt want to tempt fate and knew everything was ok.
but its really up to you
When I had my scan at 12 weeks we bought bub's coming home from hospital outfit but nothing else. Then when I had my 20 week scan we went mad and started buying everything else. But saying that I still have't got everything. :D
I bought a pack of newborn sleepsuits when I was about 8/9 weeks then didn't buy anything else untill I was about 20weeks :)
i really want to buy loads but i know that i should wait.
i have the worst luck ever so i might just wait till i go into labour and send the OH shopping for everything haha xxxxx
Ha ha foxymummy that's how it used to be. My sister was born in the early sixties and when she was born and my mum was still in hospital she sent my dad out to buy the pram :rotfl:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

my mum is buying the pram and my OH mum is buyin the cot (i think)lol

i want to do as much as i can myself though thats why i want to buy things now so i know i wont struggle, i plan to stay at home with my parents as im still young and know if i need the support or a helping hand my mum or dad are here to help. that plays a big part in me wanting to start getting things now so i dont feel like im takin advantage xxx
hey hun i was really temped to buy things when i first found out. but i started to buy things after my 20 weeks scan. all i get to get now is the pram and same more clothing - im going to buy them in august.
I bought a few vests and stuff when I was about 8 weeks then after 12 weeks I started buying more.

We found out the sex at 16 weeks so I bought loads of blue stuff then. We left the big stuff like the pushchair until I was about 32 weeks :)
We didn't buy anything until after the 20 week scan.
I started buying bits after twelve weeks but I bought more once I had had my 20wk scan and I knew everything was ok.
I was really controlled and waited until I was about 26 weeks! Then just bits and pieces every week.
We started buying after our 20 weeks scan, you could always put a bit of money away each month until your 12/20 weeks scan, then go on a big spending spree with the savings :D

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