~Bumbo + Big Babies


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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I was wondering how long you used your bumbo for? we have one and theo sits in it well but at (neary) 5 months he looks like he fills it all out, is it meant to look like this? it says that they are suitable upto 18months. the reason i am asking is becuase we have very little room (untill we move) and was wondering about getting a play tray and using the bumbo as a feeding chair... has anyone done this? have they found their child is comfortable enough and mainly... how long did you use your bumbo for?

thank you x x x
If he's bigger I wouldn't bother. While it says suitable until over a year I haven't met a baby who's had one yet that hasn't been able to escape it. Becky could get out of hers by arching her back and rolling somewhere around 5-6 months so it wasn't safe to keep her in it any more. There was no way that she could eat in it either because her constant preoccupation was trying to get out of it! So I don't know if I'd bother next time - it was good while it lasted but it really wasn't used very long at all.
What daftscotslass said.

My LO is a big baby also. We borrowed one from a friend when Galen was 4 months.. He sat in it twice and then the third time he leaned over the side and was out of it :shock:

And kept doing this every time we sat him in it. Just wasn't safe for him. So glad we didn't spend the £20 on one or the extra for the tray.

Are you actually weaning atm? What about a fold away high chair? If he is so big already I'd be inclined to put him in one as its safer and I think easier to manage. The trays on them are of course bigger so babies can spread the food around and so on. Bumbo trays are tiny for food to go on.
I'd say don't bother as another mother of a big baby. Mine is currently on e bay as he is too big and used to try and pop himself out.

I always found the rocker chair that I think you just bought useful for feeding in until big enough to have a highchair. I just put the seat back so it is upright and then Rudy is in a great feeding position.

Logans about 25lb now and still fits in his bumbo with a cloth nappy on. I don't think he'll be in it for much longer though, it is getting very snug!.
He hasn't managed to escape yet but I've heard that a lot of babys do.
We've got the feeding tray attatchment and to be honest when you're paying £25-£30 for the bumbo and then an extra £9.99 for the tray you'd be better off spending the money on a decent highchair.
lil miss had chunky thighs and by 6 months she just didn't fit in it anymore...shes a big baby too :)

I don't think they are suitable to a year tbh. :think:
Ryan still goes in his and he loves it! il still be using it for a few months unless he outgrows it. If we are in a rush i will sometimes give him his breakfast while he sits in it instead of getting the highchair out
Finlay doesn't sit in his as he can escape from it now. I'm sure he still fits in it but I wouldn't put him in it now as he spends most if his time trying to get out of it.

Also any time we fed him in it he just peed about and didn't eat. Personally I'd buy a highchair instead :D
We stopped using ours at about 5 months as Ella could get out of it, she is tall so used to put her feet on the floor and push too, so that it tipped backwards!

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