Bub back in hspital


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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So his cold has turned onto something else. Awful cough but I didn't really register that being bad. Took him to the walk in centre as was worried about dehydration. They made us wait 2 and a half hrs, I won't go into that or I'll go mad. So I walked out of there and took him to a and e. He's been admitted again. Tube down his nose to feed him. Been on nebuliser and might be about to b put on oxygen. His oxygen levels ate between 82 and 90.
I can't believe my baby has to thru all of this, especially after the lumbar puncture not even a month ago..
I want to cry x
Big hugs, hope he is ok xxx
Ahh that's horrible! Hope LO makes a full recovery nice and quickly. Must be hard for you x
Thanks for your replies. He has had another go at the nebuliser and has been on oxygen since 8am x
oh poor little man :( I really hope he's feeling better soon....it's only just over a week since Cahal was discharged so now how horrible it is for you both....big hugs :hugs: x
oh hon, thinking of you both, it must be so scary. Hope he makes a swift recovery x
I saw your status on FB!! Poor wee guy. Do they know what it is? Hope he's not in for long and feels better soon!!
He's got bronchioltis, which is really common, but most babies get it v mild so just like a bad cold. He just doesn't seem to do well with any virus!! Likes to be to the extreme. Hmm.
He's still the same. V v irritable, exhausted, tubes irritating him. They just tried to get him off the oxygen but his levels plummeted again. And when he feeds thru the bottle he screams and vomits now. But he's okay with about half an ounce so we can give him that little bit to calm him. They can't give him his normal amount tho incase t restricts his lung space. So all in all a very poorly, hacked off, baby xx
Awww poor wee man and poor you! Hope he recovers quickly

Just seen this Leanne :( poor little man i really wish him a speedy recovery :hugs:
Just seen this, hope little man is doing ok now, and will be home soon
After the meningitus scare he is prob just still run down and got hit harder than most , X
how is he now hun? I hope he's started to feel better over the weekend x
Hi all. Bub was allowed to leave yesterday!!! Were home! He stayed stable when they turned off the oxygen and is taking about 75% of his food. So we can manage from home. He has to take 8 inhaler puffs a day for a while and is likely to wheeze whenever he gets a cold etc and more prone to get asthma, but so much better than how he was.
Were just so glad to b home. Once again, hoping we never c another hospital childrens ward again! Definately not the intensive Care bit. I'm a wreck from it all!
Thanjavur all your support xx
I'm so pleased he's home and feeling better! Poor little man, I was thinking about him yesterday, I've become horribly empathic about these sort of things since having a little man of my own! xx

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