Brown spotting - help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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I've just started spotting - it's light and brown in colour.
I need reassurance please (!) as I've just scared myself to death by searching in google and finding lots of miscarriage information.
Has anyone else experienced spotting like this?
I haven't had any bleeding or spotting at all before today.
I'm 6wks pregnant with my first baby.
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
Hi Layla,
Haven't called doctor yet. It's Sunday night so I might call the NHS Direct and see what they say.
I'm really scared.
if your bleeding and scared then i would call your doctor, it might be nothing more than an implantation bleed, but tis best to get it checked out
I had brown spotting between 6-8 weeks and once last week. Mixture of a cervical erosion and implantation. If it's old brown blood more often than not it's nothing to worry about :)
Thanks everyone. It's so hard to know when you're worrying necessarily and when you're just being overly anxious.
I'm particularly worried because I've had cramps and am booked in for an early internal ultrasound on Weds to make sure the pregnancy is not ectopic.
I've called the NHS Direct and am waiting for them to call back.
I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again for responding.
I had the same problem and had an early scan which showed everything was fine, they also suspected it was ectopic. I am sure the pain is probably to do with implantation aswell.

Fingers crossed for you and your bub, sure it will be fine :)

Just had the same thing as you - same time yesterday too. I was terrified and called NHS direct who were brilliant. Went to casualty and got more scared by anurse who told me it was ectopic and hooked me up to 2 drips etc. Then saw gynie who said she thought is was all ok, unhooked me and booked me in for a scan tomorrow morning. Just sitting tight now.
Pain seems to have stopped and still feel sick so fingers crossed.

Let us know how you get on!

Louise x
Thanks so much everyone for your messages.
Just got back from hospital about half an hour ago.
NHS Direct referred me to my GP who referred me to A&E. They thought the pregnancy was ectopic and hooked me up to a drip and told me they were keeping me in overnight for an emergency ultrasound this morning.
A very stressful and emotional night but this morning I got to see my baby and he's in the right place! He is just 4mm long but I could see his heart beating! It was totally amazing!
So, the pregnancy is definitely not ectopic but I am still bleeding although it's very light spotting and brown in colour. The hospital told me to rest and hopefully it will stop.
Louise, please let me know how your ultrasound goes tomorrow. Am thinking of you and have my fingers crossed. Hopefully my outcome will be reassuring.
Thanks again everyone who posted a reply to my message.
god your hospitals are good! mine sent me home to worry - no drip or anything :evil:

At least all is well babe - pleased for you xxx

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