brown discharge


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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My AF would have been due yesterday/today. I just went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was brown discharge. Dark brown. If I didn't know I might have thought it's the start of my AF

I know there isn't much I can do. Although I cleaned my house today and did some physical work, maybe that was stupid. I have no pain

OK, I'm off to search the internet on this

I've heard it's normal but I do worry. I'll keep an eye on it
its perfectly normal hun!!! i got it too, with both pregnanies, it can come from from implatation, or it can be old blood from your last cycle etc, or just waste that is still in there. the womb clears itself out preparing for a baby etc. I cant give youmedical advoce etc, but i doubt very much you'll have anything to worry about. It;s only if its painful, or red blood that you should be concerned :hug: hope your ok
That makes me feel better thanks

Maybe i shouldn't go out tonight after all
I've sneaked in from 2nd tri but just noticed your thread and wanted to say, I had this exact thing happen at around 5/6 weeks and I went straight into panic mode, I had it on xmas day too which was rubbish, it was never much just enough to see when I wiped and after getting it again a few days later I had an emergancy scan at 6 weeks that showed a heartbeat and have since gone on to have a succesful 12 week scan and am now in 2nd tri which I NEVER beleived I would make it! The discharge was only ever brown and never caused pain so unless you get red blood or significant pain I wouldnt worry, although I know thats impossible but still just be assured it doesnt mean its bad news as it certainly wasnt for me! Hope this helps and good luck XXX
It is normal so don't panic yet :hug:

Doing housework isn't going to make a jot of difference either. Your body is designed to carry on while pregnant. Life cannot grind to a halt, so don't worry you overdid it there.

If you experience heavy bleeding and cramps then contact your GP, otherwise try to relax, don't fret and see how things go :) And go out tonight, sitting around isn't going to change anything, so going out will probably take your mind off things, rather than sitting at home possible stewing about it.
I agree the tidying up did nothing hun...

You are very early in pregnncy so it is most likely implantation, jus relax maybe watch a dvd and use it as time to chill out :hug:
Thank you for the reassurance ladies, no matter how many times you read it's normal, it's still nice to read it again by people gone through the same thing

It's getting less I think and I have no significant pain. Will keep an eye on it. Plus I've been taking my temperature in the morning and it's still high.

I did go out for dinner, I skipped the beer fest (see other thread).

Try not to panic, I had this at 6 and 9 weeks and even some red blood at 18 weeks, and everything was fine, they couldnt tell me why, if you are worried though get your doc to refer you for a reassurance scan at your EPU, it will do great things for your peace of mind if nothing else and they wont think you are being silly

Good luck :hug:

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