Britney makes a boo-boo

so 2 options.. get smotherd (sp) by pappparazzi or drive off to safety.

i choose the safety every time, alana comes first, and if it means taking a risk like that, i would.

papparazzi can be arse holes some times so i dont blame her to be honest
have any of u ever watched the programes on sky??

celebrity snappers.

they're idiots. some of the famous are under so much stress.

imagine a wild scarey pap in ya face harrasing u and ya child u would panic...

i watched a show once were just to get some old famous man to retaliate they said to him "i hope ya child dies of cancer"??? so then he lashes out and we see the pic of him going mad in the paper!!

they can be very sick then we only c the pic what they want us to.

no woman would put her child in danger on purpose im sure.
I guessit would have been scary with the paparrazi (sp???) and maybe she did just drive till she was out of danger but what if there had been a chase with the paps.... I just think that it doesn't take too long to put a car seat in, you can gt those ones that just click in, and why after the incident last time was she not more prepared. I do think Britney gets a tough time in the press with her appearance etc nd it is unfair but she should have been more careful
Even if she thought it best to drive away...the bodyguards lap would have been safest in my opinion.

Being stressed and driving off somewhere quickly to "escape" sounds like enough of a recipe for an accident without balancing a kid on your knee too!
also, alot of people who drive with there babys/kids on there laps or without seatbeats/carseats on say "well im a good driver, nothing will happen"

you might be the best driver in the world, but it doesnt take much for someone else to drive in you at at a seconds notice, then your all dead
We all know what happened to Princess Diana........

I have to say that none of us will ever be in that situation as we would not have the paparazzi following us around, but I would like to think that I would always do the very very best for my children. And driving with one of them on my lap without a seatbelt on is definitely not the best. It's not my driving I would worry about, it;s the paparazzi and the other idiots on the road. What does she pay the bodyguard for?? To get coffee obviously and not to deal with the paparazzi and keep her and her baby safe. How long does it really take you to strap a baby into a car seat???? If it was that scary, why did she sit and wait for her Starbucks?? Surely, strapping the baby into the car seat, leaving the bodyguard behind to deal with the paparazzi and driving away would have been the safest option?

I know we will never really get to the bottom of exactly what was happening when the photo was took, but she definitely doesn't look like a woman who is worried about the safety of her child....
She's a complete idiot. She only put him in more danger if her excuse is the aggressive paparazzi. What if something happened and the airbag deployed? Her son would probably be dead. It was very irresponsible of her.
just for examples sake - i had a head on accident with a motorbike a week before christmas. both air bags went off driver and passenger.
I hate to think what could have happened if :
A. my mum had had Ewan on her lap
B. He had not been in his car seat.

A + B - Ewan could have been seriously injured - catapulted through the window, or worst killed.

Fortuatley he was strapped in to his rear ward facing car seat. and was fine.

The accident wasn't my fault - i had no control over that - but i had the control of my baby being safe!

And that is the MAIN thing to me - even above my own saftey!
It sounds like a case of act first think later. Stupid as it was, its okay for us to ponder on what we would have done in the same situation but until any of us are enormously famous I dont think we really can.

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