Bringing on labour


Jul 15, 2011
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I am 37 weeks today and suffer terribly from SPD. my spine and hips click whenever i move.
What are the best ways to kick start labour? Been having strong BH's for over a week now.
This morning i went for a long walk with DS, came home had a curry, had another walk and planning on jumping on OH when he comes back from work lol.. Is there anything else that could help?
I am in soooo much pain and we are ready for our little girl to arrive. I know babies come when they are ready, but giving a helping hand won't hurt would it?
Thanks xxx
i dont think their is anything that can help bring it on unless u had a sweep or something, i was going to say try a lot of walking but your spd :( i cannot even stand up for lond myself, i also noticed a lot of my friends carrying girls go early :/. its just one of them things but if u find something that does work let me know lol xx
well i was reading up on this last night, and apparently anything that stimulates your gut could have a knock on effect to your uterus, and also the big O is supposed to help . . . for the same reason! hope fully you'll go early anyway as its your second! best of luck though x
my friend has spd she is 37 weeks to, she has to see her consultant on thursday, they are on about inducing her,she is in pain but ive seen people worse than her. can you not talk to your midwife? x
I rarely manage to get hold of my midwife as she is only in on Wednesdays and whenever i ring the number she gave me it goes to voicemail and she never gets back to me :( I am thinking about going to the DAU as i am in so much pain!! x
i would go there, my friend didnt even know she had a consultant until she rang on friday and then she is being seen on thursday. if your pain gets unbearable just go x
I rocked on my ball for 2 hours last night and started getting really strong bh...i rekon 5 hours n it could work? the muscles in my legs today are very achey :( good luck!

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