

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
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I've been exclusively breastfeeding my daughter for two months now. As much as I love being able to demand feed as much as needed but it's starting to get me down that I can't wear any normal clothes and how dependent she is on only me. I was wondering how long people breastfeed for?
I breastfed my son for 10 months and only stopped due to going back to work. I tend to wear normal tops with a feeding vest underneath. You've find do well to get here.
Exclusively breastfed for 6 weeks and weaning her slowly onto bottles now. Mainly did this because I hated not knowing how much she was getting and hoped she'd get a decent nap or two... she still isn't napping well at all, but going to stick with combi feeding and I find it much easier. It's nice knowing that I can pop to the shop , leaving her with my OH and not worry about needing to feed her.
I did exclusively for 6 months, breastpump helped a lot. I regreted later that i did not continue, but on the other hand I was so tired - for a reason - had vitamin deficiencies.
You've done well to feed your LO as long as you have. There's no shame in stopping now if you're finding it hard going.

I didn't BF either of my children because it simply wasn't for me. I had a hard time with my eldest and had PND after he was born. If I had been BF as well I think it would have pushed me over the edge.
My LO is 15 months and still feeds twice a day. I always wear a vest under a top that can be lifted up. It does limit what you can wear a bit, but it's also an opportunity to buy some new bits if you enjoy shopping :-)
2 months is fab Hun! Coming into summer does mean your wardrobe extends a bit more as you can wear strappy dresses or even boob tube dresses which are easy to facilitate breastfeeding. Play suits that do up in the middle etc.
I feel your pain on baby being solely reliant on you though! The only thing I'd suggest is to start introducing a bottle before it's too late so that you could leave her and go out. Both my girls stopped taking a bottle post 12 weeks as I gave it to them so rarely and I regretted it. However I found at around 7/8 months they start to go much much longer without a milk feed so going out is possible.
With my first I ebf till 13 months and this one is 7.5 months and ebf and I'm planning to do so till 13/14 months. Breastfeeding really does get so easy and post 6 months it's actually really really lovely! However that is a long time if you find its getting you down so just make sure you're doing right by you and your family.xx
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You can wear pretty much anything you want - just lift up or down accordingly and put a vest underneath and lift that the opposite way if you want to cover up :)
You're still in the thick of it - I remember feeling a bit claustrophobic at how I was the only one who could feed my baby at that age but I don't feel like that at all now and haven't for a while.
Feeding my LO at 7 months, hopefully will feed to two or more.
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I know how you feel. I'm 8 weeks in and while living bf it's hard finding suitable clothes. I've got a christening this weekend and finding a dress I could feed in was tough. Also had a wedding at 6weeks which was a nightmare dressing for. So many pretty dresses but they all had zips Down the back or capped sleeves or something else which made it difficult.
My son will be three in August and he has two feeds a day (was fully bf until six months) - I've never really bothered with specific nursing clothes, just worn my normal stuff and either pulled it up or down depending on which was easier :) My son is also far more independent than some of my friends toddlers - try to enjoy the closeness, it really doesn't last very long, and she'll soon be refusing hugs and kisses from you because she's too busy playing and doing things 'ALL BY MYSELF MUMMY' :cry:

There's an awesome Facebook group called 'Can I Breastfeed In It? UK' which has got loads of fab suggestions for 'normal' clothes which are breastfeeding friendly :D

Thanks for all of your suggestions it has really helped :)
I do love breastfeeding as it is so easily ready for whenever she needs it! However, I'd love to have some help or be able to leave her with the OH for a few hours.
I think I may try giving expressed milk a go every now and then, I have a variety of bottles to try so I can see if she'll take any of them!

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