is it 2 late?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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i failed at breast feeding kinda my own fault dont think i tried hard enough really and kinda regretting it now.
however no ever told me i could combine formula and expressed milk. do u think its 2 late to start expressing to give finley maybe 1 expessed feed a day?
I also didn't know that you could combine feed and stopped BF'ing. I then felt just like you and attempted relactation. Do you still have milk? Have lots of skin to skin and attempt to get baby to suckle as this will help to increase supply. If your milk has gone like mine had (I waited 16 weeks :wall:) you will need to pump or get baby to suckle every 2 hours. I also took a supplement, I can't remember the name but I'll google it in a mo and let you know. I suggest a electric double pump however I just used the medula swing one. It is hard work but totally possible :)
It is a herbal remedy and is called fenugreek. I got it in holland and barratt, once your supply is established you can stop it and your supply will continue. The only thing is it makes your urine smell like maple syrup but I can think of worse things for it to smell of. Good luck
wow , how long did it take for your supply to come back Mrs H?
glad i'm not the only 1 mrs h.yes i still have milk so i'm asuming when i start 2 use the pump more will start 2 come through.
so did u start 2 breast feed again after formua bottle feeding or did u just express 2 give in a bottle?
i just plan 2 express.
finley is 3weeks and 2 days ols so wasnt that long ago i had him
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it definately is possible lik mrsH said, just bloody hard work! if possible, try and have a day or two in bed, with your top off and have lots of skin to skin! fenugreek works wonders too like mrsH said, also lots of malted things like horlicks will help improve your supply :) good luck hun!xxx
I could never get Jack back to the breast :cry: he just wasn't intrested I had left it too long. I pumped like that for about 4 weeks and only ever managed to get about 4 0z which I gave on a night, I went back to work thou when jack 5 month old and was working 12 hour shifts and as I was still trying to establish a supply it just dried up.

You will need to pump through out the day thou Hun at first to establish your milk and don't be disheartened if you don't get loads at once with the pump, baby is much more efficent at getting milk out than the pump
if i were you i would head to a local surestart center or speak to the hospital and borrow a decent breast pump, hospital grade... that will really really help xx
I shouldnt think its too late. I had problems with my milk coming in when I was still in hospital. After the colostrum of the first few days my milk just never arrived, I was gutted. They told me stress played a part and I had a very stressful week so not surprising. There is a drug that can be given which makes your milk come in, as its been less than a month your GP might consider it? The protocol in my hospital was to go on the breast pump every 3 hours for 2 days and lots of skin to skin. If this didnt work then they were going to start me on the drug. For me this worked. I was so proud every time I went on the pump, I got 3 WHOLE mls and thought I was amazing :lol: I used to take it to the nurses station to show off! I never needed the drugs and now I BF the LO with a nipple shield to help him to latch on. :yay: Hes gaining weight well so I know my milk is good. In the early days he was having a combination of expressed milk and formula from bottles as I wasnt producing enough and he needed topup. This was recommended by the midwifes so Im assuming its not a problem.
Hope all is going well Mel! :)
Just thought i would add that if you are going to express or get your LO to latch on your milk supply will be at its highest in the night/ early morning.
This is what i was told by my MW anyway when i was just expressing so i still made sure i got up when Ava-Mai fed to keep the milk coming. :)
How are things going hun? It didn't work out this end either, but I tried and to me that's all that mattered :hug: xx
good luck. i combination fed annabelle for a bit but now im only bottle feeding and am selling my double electric breast pump if your interested. it worked great for me x

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