As a first timer I may sound like a complete novice and full of wishful thinking but here goes!! If breastfeeding goes well and I can manage myself then I'd be happy for hubby to sleep especially on work days. My theory is that I can nap in the day and a well rested hubby is far more likely to do chores when he comes in if I'm shattered!! If I can't manage on my own for whatever reason then I know he would help. If we end up bottle feeding or I can express then he would probably play more of a role as it could be more easily shared. I guess what I'm saying is there's no point in both of us not sleeping unless it's necessary!!
This is exactly how i view it aswell, lets hope it goes that way.
My partner is a fireman and works shifts and has slight PTSD, but thankfully only the sleep side of it, so his sleep is terrible anyway, so i will definitely be the one getting up in the night and like you say, we can sleep in the day when the baby is nappy - we say this now
It does happen! Yes, my daughter had reflux but she slept beautifully once on medication. She would nap often through the day, sometimes for two hours so I was able to nap too. It was when the second came along and I had two under two that it all went to pot lol.