I was all for breastfeeding my daughter when she was born, and I thought it was all natural for a mother and as easy as breathing. Nope. Wrong! I struggled so badly! My DD was born 4 weeks early didn't have a good suction reflex and wouldn't latch on. The midwives at the hospital were so pushy and made me feel like a failure. One even made me cry because I had to call them EVERY TIME I wanted to breastfeed and I forgot one time. My god, it was horrible! I hated every minute I spent in the hospital. I had to wake my DD every 3 hours even when she was fast asleep. I had to stay 5 days but pushed the pediatrician and gynecologist to dismiss me after 4 days. I was exhausted and had only slept 8 hours in 5 days time.
She never really learned to latch on and 8 weeks later, having only 2 or 3 hours of sleep inconsecutively, pumping every 3 hours. I was broken and tired. I had no support from my oh on that level so I was all alone in taking care of the baby's feedings. I even begged him to take over 1 night. Only 1 f#@&ing night, and he said no. I stayed strong for my DD but no human being can sleep 1 hour at a time and function like said human being.
I drove in my car doing 200km on some days because my family wanted to see her. I can honestly said that I never fell asleep but have blanks and sometimes didn't remember that I had driven this or that way.
If I can give you one advice, don't feel pushed into doing something that doesn't work out for you. The breast milk is only as healthy as the mother herself. If you can barely feed yourself because you always have to pump or try to latch on the baby who doesn't cooperate, if you can barely get any sleep, the production diminishes amd then you have to pump even longer to get the production going, it doesn't pay for the mental hell you put yourself through.
Now the reason why my daughter didn't sleep for more than 2 hours in a row is because she had a cows milk protein allergy, so when I gave her my breastmilk, she would get tummy troubles and have diarrhea. I went to see an osteopath who diagnosed her and gave her formula instead.
After giving her the first bottle of rice based formula, she slept 4 hours consecutively. Then she started sleeping 5 hours a night, then more and more until I started to get some colour back in my life. I started to love being a mother. My hair started to grow back, the bags under my eyes started to lessen. I was happy.
Sorry for the suuuuper long post but it's an example of how some breastfeeding supporters can push you into oblivion and sleep soundly at night while their judgement has you up all night. Don't do what I did.x