*Breastfeeding Uncovered - Channel 4*

Haha totally Kitana, like if it's just one more thing that's decreasing your enjoyment of life then it's just not the same! I think I probably have mild reactions to dairy anyway (like fatigue and serious bloat... UGH) so in a way having an excuse to give it up helped push me to do what I knew I should be doing anyway. I want to give it up right now since I know it's making my pregnancy fatigue and awful gas so much worse but oh my god IT IS SO DELICIOUS!
Haha good luck with the cravings on that one!
Your name seems familiar though, were you TTC around august-september-october 2016?x
Hope you don't mind me butting in, which milk alternative would you say is most similar to cows milk in taste? I'd read a low dairy diet was better to try and avoid colic so ive cut down. Prepregnancy I'd drink atleast a pint of milk daily. I've tried hazelnut which was tasty but not something I can add to tea but I don't want to try countless other alternatives. I wish theyd make taster bottles instead of the standard litre bottles as I don't want to waste loads
I use coconut milk for everything pretty much! And replace butter with (homemade) clarified butter.

Kitana my youngest was born sept 2016 so I was on a lot around then!
I stopped breastfeeding after I found out she was allergic and gave her a rice based formula called Novarice. I don't know if they sell it in the uk but it was life saver for me!
I'm still breastfeeding my very soon to be two year old and I've loved our journey mostly. My hardest hurdle was actually my family. Me and my sisters were all bottle fed and my gran bottle fed her children. They were shocked that I wanted to breastfeed and even before starting I had all the 'bitty' jokes from them. I began my journey really disheartened. Then after a traumatic labour I didn't get my undisturbed hour with my new born son. I begged the midwives to help me put him to the breast but they were too busy. It was about 3 hours after that someone finally helped me.

The first few weeks were horrendous because I'd had an episiotomy and sitting was torture. After my traumatic labour I didn't get the initial bond with my son and I felt empty. I knew in my heart though that I had wanted so badly to breastfeed, and despite having no support I refused to give in. It was my own stubbornness that got me through those days and after about 6 weeks it got easier. I also attribute breastfeeding to repairing my damaged bond which is now so strong I feel my son is my everything. <3

Now I'm pregnant and my son is turning 2 you can just imagine the comments from my family. My own sister told me she'd step in and stop me if she thought I was feeding too long as it will damage my son mentally. They've also joked that I'll be feeding through the school gates. I'm literally so unsupported with breastfeeding that I was ecstatic to see Breastfeeding Uncovered on the TV.

I want to feed my son to natural weaning and my new daughter too when she's born. I hope support for people like me improves because there would be many in my situation who would have given up.
CornishGirl - Fair play to you, for sticking to your guns and perceiving, thats amazing <3

you would think, family of all people, would support you whatever you decide, sometimes i think they can be the worst :roll:

Like you say its done wonders to get that closeness with your son that you unfortunately couldn't have the start <3
I tried and failed to bf my daughter. She had tongue tie and was 11 weeks by the time an appt came through to cut it. I received zero support so at 11 weeks I stopped expressing and she went onto formula. During that pregnancy I wasn't once pushed into bf, all professionals said it would be my choice.

With my son I wouldn't leave the hospital until it was confirmed he didn't have tongue tie. A bf support worker was in touch with me all the time and I received amazing support.

I am completely pro choice, I've done it both ways, but I have found people more judgemental when I've bf. The amount of times I've been asked why I want to bf when my husband can help if I formula feed, does my husband not get to bond because I'm bf... The list is endless!
Lolie- I&#8217;ve never understood the &#8220;my husband can help with night feeds&#8221; argument either. Let&#8217;s be honest, my husband gets two weeks paternity leave. I get a years maternity leave. So after two weeks when he goes back to work, who would be doing all the night feeds?! Me. Because my husband has work in the morning
Very true Akua!

There's a lot of focus on those who bottle feed being judged by those who bf, but it's just as negative the other way round! Your choice should be respected however you chose to feed your child.
Oooh I disagree Akua , I think if breastfeeding they should at least help settle the baby back to sleep etc. And if bottle feeding should share. I used to get my husband to do the bottle and I would feed and settle her but wake him after a few hours if I couldn&#8217;t settle her (bad reflux). Yes they have work in the morning but you have the baby all day! At least they get to have a drink and something to eat and a wee at work lol! Xx

I watched the programme and was shocked to hear some of the statistics, but very shocked to hear how many people think formula is as good as breastmilk. Education is necessary so people understand it.

With my first, for personal reasons I was absolutely pdt set against breastfeeding him. Because I wanted a natural delivery with no pain relief etc the midwives didn't understand why I wouldn't breastfeed as it was the obvious natural choice. I explained and they were really supportive. They did say give it a go and see how you feel, so I did it for 5 days and hated every second of. During pregnancy I had bulk bought tins of formula I was so set against breastfeeding. But it was due to my own emotions following bad things in my childhood/teenage years.

When pregnant with my second child I was adamant I WAS going to breastfeed. I wanted to change my emotions to normal ones, to understand that breastfeeding is completely normal, it's what we have breasts for and it is the best thing for the baby. I read every book I could, joined online support groups and asked hundreds of questions. I also practiced discreet positioning with a doll during the pregnancy as I definitely didn't want to get my whole boob out every time she wanted feeding. For my dignity and also so other people didn't feel comfortable. Topless sunbathing makes me cringe a bit, it's not the act of breastfeeding, it's just having the whole breast out in public for any reason. Again I had a natural birth, a waterbirth in a midwife centre this time, and the midwives were wonderful. They checked my latch and it was perfect from the first go, when I fed her in the pool. When she was born it was amazing, and we kept going until she was 10.5 months old. I had conquered my twisted emotions regarding breastfeeding, I had beaten what I'd been made to think during childhood/my teenage years.

When pregnant with my last child I was again determined to breastfeed following my planned homebirth. There was a 5 year gap so I reread the books to make sure my old emotions didn't come back and haunt me and although there was 8 whole weeks of blisters, bleeding and pain, I was determined that it would work. After the 8 weeks it was wonderful again and we carried on for just over 2 years. The midwives were wonderful, they helped whenever I needed it and checked my latch numerous times. My baby was smaller than my other two so that may have contributed to our struggles, but I'll never know for sure and I just put it down to baby needing to learn how to do it.

Through breastfeeding both my girls I never had one single negative comment. I fed them literally anywhere they wanted feeding, never moved to a quiet corner and certainly never went into another room. I never had a single negative comment, and most people didn't even realise we were feeding, they thought my girls were just having cuddles so there was never any issue. X
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Oooh I disagree Akua , I think if breastfeeding they should at least help settle the baby back to sleep etc. And if bottle feeding should share. I used to get my husband to do the bottle and I would feed and settle her but wake him after a few hours if I couldn’t settle her (bad reflux). Yes they have work in the morning but you have the baby all day! At least they get to have a drink and something to eat and a wee at work lol! Xx

My husband drives 200+ miles a day for work so I was adamant he wasn't falling asleep at the wheel so was happy to let him sleep. We also had the next to me crib by my side of the bed so there wasn't anything he could do to help anyway as I could lift baby out, feed him and he'd call asleep on the boob so I'd just put him back again.

He helped with the first, she was bottle fed and also had reflux.
Oooh I disagree Akua , I think if breastfeeding they should at least help settle the baby back to sleep etc. And if bottle feeding should share. I used to get my husband to do the bottle and I would feed and settle her but wake him after a few hours if I couldn’t settle her (bad reflux). Yes they have work in the morning but you have the baby all day! At least they get to have a drink and something to eat and a wee at work lol! Xx

My husband drives 200+ miles a day for work so I was adamant he wasn't falling asleep at the wheel so was happy to let him sleep. We also had the next to me crib by my side of the bed so there wasn't anything he could do to help anyway as I could lift baby out, feed him and he'd call asleep on the boob so I'd just put him back again.

He helped with the first, she was bottle fed and also had reflux.

Yeah I think reflux babies prob diff lol I’d of not coped if I didn’t have any support overnight with my daughter. If I can breast feed this time and have a baby that falls asleep feeding and then goes straight back down I wouldn’t bother waking him lol. Xx
You should watch Adam Ruins Everything on pregnancy and breastfeeding. Was a real eyeopener for me! You can find it on YouTube.
Took a family member to gynae yesterday and saw this on the door of the feeding room.


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Oooh I disagree Akua , I think if breastfeeding they should at least help settle the baby back to sleep etc. And if bottle feeding should share. I used to get my husband to do the bottle and I would feed and settle her but wake him after a few hours if I couldn’t settle her (bad reflux). Yes they have work in the morning but you have the baby all day! At least they get to have a drink and something to eat and a wee at work lol! Xx

My husband drives 200+ miles a day for work so I was adamant he wasn't falling asleep at the wheel so was happy to let him sleep. We also had the next to me crib by my side of the bed so there wasn't anything he could do to help anyway as I could lift baby out, feed him and he'd call asleep on the boob so I'd just put him back again.

He helped with the first, she was bottle fed and also had reflux.

Yeah I think reflux babies prob diff lol I’d of not coped if I didn’t have any support overnight with my daughter. If I can breast feed this time and have a baby that falls asleep feeding and then goes straight back down I wouldn’t bother waking him lol. Xx

As a first timer I may sound like a complete novice and full of wishful thinking but here goes!! If breastfeeding goes well and I can manage myself then I'd be happy for hubby to sleep especially on work days. My theory is that I can nap in the day and a well rested hubby is far more likely to do chores when he comes in if I'm shattered!! If I can't manage on my own for whatever reason then I know he would help. If we end up bottle feeding or I can express then he would probably play more of a role as it could be more easily shared. I guess what I'm saying is there's no point in both of us not sleeping unless it's necessary!!
I don&#8217;t think I napped in the day until my daughter was about 15 months old lol! Her nap times when little were for showering and eating etc lol! She had bad reflux though, I think if this baby doesn&#8217;t have it I will manage to get a few things done whilst they are awake etc and I won&#8217;t feel so rushed during naps. Not sure I will manage to get their naps coinciding though but my daughters started being happy watching Peppa Pig in her room so I will probably try sneak naps then with her monitor on when baby is sleeping! Hoping breastfeeding works out as I do think it will be a lot easier at night to not have to get up and make a bottle with baby screaming , I used to find it so stressful as she would go from nothing to screeeaming in like two seconds and I ended up dropping wverything and having to start counting scoops again and tip what I had done out etc as I was so stressed trying to be fast for her! It would be so nice to just have them feed off me lol xxx
As a first timer I may sound like a complete novice and full of wishful thinking but here goes!! If breastfeeding goes well and I can manage myself then I'd be happy for hubby to sleep especially on work days. My theory is that I can nap in the day and a well rested hubby is far more likely to do chores when he comes in if I'm shattered!! If I can't manage on my own for whatever reason then I know he would help. If we end up bottle feeding or I can express then he would probably play more of a role as it could be more easily shared. I guess what I'm saying is there's no point in both of us not sleeping unless it's necessary!!

This is exactly how i view it aswell, lets hope it goes that way.

My partner is a fireman and works shifts and has slight PTSD, but thankfully only the sleep side of it, so his sleep is terrible anyway, so i will definitely be the one getting up in the night and like you say, we can sleep in the day when the baby is nappy - we say this now :lol:

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