I watched the programme and was shocked to hear some of the statistics, but very shocked to hear how many people think formula is as good as breastmilk. Education is necessary so people understand it.
With my first, for personal reasons I was absolutely pdt set against breastfeeding him. Because I wanted a natural delivery with no pain relief etc the midwives didn't understand why I wouldn't breastfeed as it was the obvious natural choice. I explained and they were really supportive. They did say give it a go and see how you feel, so I did it for 5 days and hated every second of. During pregnancy I had bulk bought tins of formula I was so set against breastfeeding. But it was due to my own emotions following bad things in my childhood/teenage years.
When pregnant with my second child I was adamant I WAS going to breastfeed. I wanted to change my emotions to normal ones, to understand that breastfeeding is completely normal, it's what we have breasts for and it is the best thing for the baby. I read every book I could, joined online support groups and asked hundreds of questions. I also practiced discreet positioning with a doll during the pregnancy as I definitely didn't want to get my whole boob out every time she wanted feeding. For my dignity and also so other people didn't feel comfortable. Topless sunbathing makes me cringe a bit, it's not the act of breastfeeding, it's just having the whole breast out in public for any reason. Again I had a natural birth, a waterbirth in a midwife centre this time, and the midwives were wonderful. They checked my latch and it was perfect from the first go, when I fed her in the pool. When she was born it was amazing, and we kept going until she was 10.5 months old. I had conquered my twisted emotions regarding breastfeeding, I had beaten what I'd been made to think during childhood/my teenage years.
When pregnant with my last child I was again determined to breastfeed following my planned homebirth. There was a 5 year gap so I reread the books to make sure my old emotions didn't come back and haunt me and although there was 8 whole weeks of blisters, bleeding and pain, I was determined that it would work. After the 8 weeks it was wonderful again and we carried on for just over 2 years. The midwives were wonderful, they helped whenever I needed it and checked my latch numerous times. My baby was smaller than my other two so that may have contributed to our struggles, but I'll never know for sure and I just put it down to baby needing to learn how to do it.
Through breastfeeding both my girls I never had one single negative comment. I fed them literally anywhere they wanted feeding, never moved to a quiet corner and certainly never went into another room. I never had a single negative comment, and most people didn't even realise we were feeding, they thought my girls were just having cuddles so there was never any issue. X