Hi Jadie, I don't think its dummy confusion as she definitely knows the difference. I have tried giving her the dummy for a few secs when she's hungry if I want to grab a drink or go to the loo before I start and she spits it out and screams like a banshee!!
It has only been the last few days and I am wondering if it because i am working on her naps. Typically she is exhausted but taking up to 1½ hours to wind down and fall asleep, by then it is only about ½ an hour until her next feed based on 3 hour feeding and I don't know whether I should wake her or leave her
I have been leaving her on the thought that if she is hungry she will let me know. This morning she napped for less than ½ an hour and then woke hungry so woke for her 3 hour feed as normal.
Tina I also read the Baby Whisperer when pregnant but decided against following her routine as soon as leorah was born
I picked up loads of tips though but am also going with my instinct. I don't like the fact that she recommends putting LO down in her cot to nap in a dark room. I'd never be able to go anywhere if I did this! Napping in her pram is more consistant with the culture her, all babies and children nap in their pram outside and it means I can go wherever I want. I take her for a walk to wind her down but bring her back home before she is sleeping so she doesn't expect to be in motion to nap. This really works for us because she has a padded snowsuit and a cosy toes so startles less which helps her sleep.
She is such a joy, smiles all the time now
She also tries to giggle when really excited and it comes out as this lispy little chuckle. I am so excited about my fammily coming over and seeing her! My Mum hasn't seen her since the birth!
BTW my mastitis is so much better so a big thanks to those who made me see the doc